Dog friendly businesses, services and places to visit in Tebay, Cumbria
Information and direct contact details for dog friendly businesses, services and places to visit in Tebay, Cumbria including holiday accommodation, pubs, vets, groomers, dog walkers, kennels, home boarders, trainers, attractions and more.
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Tel: 07837... ShowPJL Pet Photography
Lancashire & Cumbria
- Award winning dog photographer
- Specialising in dog photography
- Taking stunning pet portraits
- Choices of pet photo shoots & packages
- Purchase extra prints/canvas/digitals
- Shoot normally lasts approximately 1 hr
Tel: 01539... ShowWestmorland Hotel
Near Orton
CA10 3SB
- Only minutes from the M6
- Surrounded by Cumbrian Fells
- Lots of lovely dog walks locally
- Maximum of 2 dogs accepted per bedroom
- Great food & well stocked bar
- Network of local food producers