Home » Surrey » Chobham » Local Dog Walks
Find dog friendly local walks near you, in Chobham, Surrey and the surrounding area.
The information we hold for local walks is up to date, to the best of our knowledge. Please advise us if you think a listing may be incorrect.
Local dog walks in and around Chobham, Surrey
Find dog friendly local walks near you, in Chobham, Surrey and the surrounding area.
The information we hold for local walks is up to date, to the best of our knowledge. Please advise us if you think a listing may be incorrect.
Chobham Common North Loop
- A 3 mile circular easy-access walk
- Beautiful mosaic of rare lowland heath
- No stiles, gates, steps or livestock
- Popular dog walking spot

Virginia water lake
Virginia Water
- Dog walk in Virginia Water, Surrey
- Short walk along the shore of the lake
- Plenty of opportunities for swimming
- Small refreshment stand & a picnic area