Tollerton Caravan Park - Dog Friendly accommodation in York, Yorkshire

Tollerton Caravan Park

Station Road
YO61 1RD
  • Tel:
  • Please mention you found
    us on The Good Dog Guide

  • Self catering caravan for hire
  • Situated in open countryside


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“Dear Geoff. Thank you for your feedback. The Park Manager works long hours in the summer, from 8am to 5.30pm six days a week, to look after our customers, and then keeps his mobile phone switched on every evening to be on call for emergencies. He is happy to answer general enquiries during the day, but will get a bit grumpy if you call at 8.50pm and then ignore his polite request to call back the following day.”

- Park Owner

“I called to try and get a late booking, at 8pm for the following day. very rude man told me they where shut at 5pm, finished for the day. Glad we are not staying if that's the attitude, glad they don't need the business !!!”

- Geoff