Penhill - Dog Friendly Walk in West Witton, Yorkshire


West Witton
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  • Prominent hill in the north Pennines
  • The hill is accessible by bridleway
  • Perfect for dog walking
  • Always be aware of livestock


Penhill - Great Dog Walk with Fantastic Views


Penhill (546m) is a prominent hill in the north Pennines in England. A ridge that commands the southern side of the river valley, its concave shape was formed during the last ice age, when glaciers carved the Ure river valley into a U-shape. The hill is accessible by bridleway, or alternatively by foot over open access land. The summit is home to a trig point, small tarns on the peat moor, and, visible from the valley floor, the beacon, part of the large network built to warn of a Spanish invasion.

Text and image from Wikipedia


“This walk is great. The dog loves it and the views are spectacular. I would highly recommend this walk to anyone. ”

- Steven