Bronte Canine Services - Dog Trainer in Oakworth, Yorkshire

Bronte Canine Services

BD22 7HT
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  • Please mention you found
    us on The Good Dog Guide

  • Dog Traininer in Oakworth, Keighley
  • Stanbury, Haworth & Oxenhope
  • One to one dog training
  • Group training classes (small groups)
  • Member of the Pet Professional Guild
  • APDT trained

Bronte Canine Services

Brontë Canine Services- Dog Trainer in Oakworth, Yorkshire.

Bronte Canine Services  is here to assist you in providing excellent care for your dog. We offer a range of services such as: one to one dog training, dog walking, pet taxi, feed and let-out visits, and soon dog training classes. We can also cater for other pets. Please contact us for further information.

We cover the Worth Valley, including Oakworth, Haworth, Keighley, Stanbury, Oxenhope and surrounding areas (will travel up to a 5 mile radius of the above). All dogs will be walked locally within the Worth Valley.

Dog Walker in OakworthDog Walking in Yorkshire

One to one dog training
All training is reward based and delivered by an Instructor who holds a qualification from the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT)

Initial session will be an hour and will include an assessment to see where you and your dog are currently, what you want to achieve and provide a plan for reaching your goal.

Dog training haworthCovering the basics from sit to heelwork, progressing to tricks and more advanced training. Advice and guidance provided as needed or requested. One to one training is conducted in clients' own home or outdoors. Sessions can be tailored to suit need. One to one sessions can be particularly suited to those dogs who find group situations challenging, or for those who struggle to get to class.

Dog Walking in OakworthDog Walker in Yorkshire

Training Classes
Held at Holden Hall in Oakworth every Saturday morning. We only work in small group sizes of 6, our trainer has several training assistants on hand to help out. Each participant will receive a welcome pack.

Classes run in 6 week courses and include the following;
Puppy Lifeskills - Puppy Progression - Adult Beginner - Adult Advanced

Get in touch to book your place in advance - the total cost of each course

Excersising your dogDogs Walks

Bronte Canine Services
