Pawsonal Health - Dog Food and Treats in Castleford, Yorkshire

Pawsonal Health

32 Ramsden Street
  • Please mention you found
    us on The Good Dog Guide

  • Range of hand picked nutritious treats
  • Natural herbal supplements
  • See our fantastic customer reviews
  • Eco-friendly dog toys
  • Subscribe to mailing list for 10% off
  • FREE delivery on all orders over £30

Pawsonal Health - Range of Nutritious Treats & Supplements

Healthy dogs = Happy dogs

My mission is to ensure that every dog enjoys the best possible life. As I train to become a canine nutritionist, I am using my growing expertise to make this vision a reality.

I have carefully sourced and stocked the finest natural dog treats, supplements, and eco-friendly, non-toxic products to support the well-being of our beloved furry family members.

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Pawsonal HealthPawsonal HealthPawsonal HealthPawsonal Health

​I know how much our dogs love toys and tug of war and sourcing these eco-friendly only toys ensures they can play safe and happy. I am committed to providing easy access to high-quality products that will keep your furry friends healthy and happy.

Natural Supplements for Dogs
Natural herbal supplements offer a holistic approach to pet health, combining human-grade flax oil and carefully selected herbs to support various aspects of your dog’s well-being. These supplements are designed to provide numerous health benefits without relying on synthetic ingredients.

By integrating natural herbal supplements into your dog’s routine, you’re supporting their health in a gentle, effective manner.

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