Operation K9 LTD
Annie Reed Road
HU17 0LF
- Tel: 01482...Show
- Tel: 01944...Show
Please mention you found
us on The Good Dog Guide
- Canine Hydrotherapy & Rehabilitation
- Beverley and Malton branches
- Helping with injuries, arthritis,
- recovering from surgery & for fitness
- Veterinary endorsed centre
- Sherburn centre near Malton

Operation K9 - Canine Hydrotherapy And Rehabilitation In Beverley East Yorkshire and Sherburn, Malton
Operation K9 Ltd is a state of the art Canine Hydrotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre. We offer treatment to dogs with injuries, arthritis, recovering from surgery or that wish to maintain or improve fitness.
Our Mission
Working together with veterinary professionals to improve quality of life for your pet. Improving the standards of complimentary treatments and promoting canine wellbeing through gold standard care.
Our therapists are trained to a high standard who continue to update their skills within the industry.
If you think hydrotherapy would benefit your pet we are happy to discuss cases with yourself and your vet and welcome visits to the centres.
What’s it used for?
Hydrotherapy is indicated in the following conditions;
Arthritis management - Intervertebral disk disease (back and neck problems)
Cruciate injuries/repairs - Patella luxation/repairs
Hip and elbow dysplasia - Neurological conditions
Muscle wastage - Maintaining mobility and fitness in older dogs
Soft tissue injuries (ligament damage)
The Session
We try to make the whole experience as relaxing and enjoyable for your dog as possible. we are all experienced, caring handlers, who use forms of motivations including toys, treats and verbal encouragement.
All dogs are fitted with either a buoyancy jacket or a control harness when in the pool and treadmill. There is always a hydrotherapist in the pool or treadmill with your dog. The therapist will be using techniques to encourage optimal movement of limbs for that particular conditions.
Dogs must have veterinary consent before we treat them. Ask your vet to download the form and fill in the required sections and send it to us when you book.
The first session will include a full assessment so therefore will take up to 1 hour. We will carry out a full consultation and discuss the condition, medication, current exercise, etc to get a full understanding of the condition.
We will take time to familiarise your dog to the surroundings, the time in the pool in this session may only be short. The aim is to increase the time in the pool by each session. The session price is the same, however much time is spent in the pool or treadmill.