Green & Wild's - Dog Food and Treats in Chippenham, Wiltshire

Green & Wild's

Unit 20 Fowlswick Business Park
Fowlswick Lane
SN14 6QE
  • Natural Dog Treats, Chews & Eco Toys
  • For Dogs of all sizes and ages

Contact Green & Wild's


“We highly recommend Antler Bakes, the luxury, hand baked biscuits this Company makes. Antler bakes contain ground antler which is full of goodness for our pooches, our Harvey Hound couldn't get enough of them! Fantastic products made with your dog's health & well being taking into full consideration, all the products also come in great packaging & are delivered quickly from time of order.”

- The Good Dog Guide

“Harvey Hound 'founder of The Good Dog Guide' loves Antler chews, he is still chewing his way through a large one that he started 3 weeks ago! Antler Chews are antlers cut into sizes for dogs to gnaw & chew, great for keeping them entertained & good for keeping plaque down on their teeth. We highly recommend this product, buy your pooch one today & they will love you even more for it!!!”

- The Good Dog Guide

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