
Western Isles
  • Dogs allowed all year round
  • Part of a fine string of beaches
  • Boat trips from here
  • Machair behind the beach
  • Dog friendly beach on the Western Isles

Borve - Dog Friendly Beach in Northton, Western Isles

This is one beach in an outstandingly beautiful collection that run down the west coast of South Harris.

Borve beach is deeper and less wide than neighbouring Scaristavore and Scarista beyond.

Dog Friendly Beach in Western IslesDog Friendly Beach in Northton

A spectacular panorama unfolds, as you look out from the beach towards the sea.

The beach itself faces west and is sandy, unspoilt and in harmony with the machair behind, that becomes a panoply of wild flowers in high summer.

Dog friendly beach information kindly added by manonabeach ®

Dog Friendly Beach in Western Isles

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