
Western Isles
  • Dogs allowed all year round
  • Wild and unspoilt
  • Wonderful birdlife, flora and fauna
  • Great surfing beach
  • Dog Friendly Beach in Lochmaddy

Hosta - Dog Friendly Beach in Lochmaddy, Western Isles.

This is the premier surfing beach in the Western Isles, pointing due west to face the Atlantic breakers.

Dog Friendly Beach in Western IslesDog Friendly Beach in Lochmaddy

As well as the water sports that are available here, the sand dunes and machair behind the beach are a haven for birds like the corncrake and numerous wild flowers and orchids in the summer.

Access is good from the adjacent A865 and there is plenty of space to park.

Dog friendly beach information kindly added by manonabeach ®

Dog Friendly Beach in Western Isles

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