Doodley Dogs - Storrington - Dog Trainer in Storrington, West Sussex

Doodley Dogs - Storrington

Unit 19a Robell Way
Water Lane Trading Estate
West Sussex
RH20 3DN
  • Canine Behaviourist & Dog Obedience
  • Fully qualifed & insured
  • Friendly & affordable service
  • State of art centre
  • Help with severe as well as mild cases
  • Offer a residential day camp

Doodley Dogs - Storrington

Doodley Dogs - Dog Behaviourists in Storrington, West Sussex

At Doodley Dogs we have a vast range of experience, from bad manners or exciteable behaviour to extreme fear aggression and everything in between!

Our facilities enable us to offer intensive rehabilitation days as well as private hour long consultations.

We have a large 6 acre secure paddock and two state of the art indoor centres.

We run regular clinics, training classes are off lead socialisation walks.

We are open 7.00am until 6:30pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am until 5.00pm Saturday.

Doodley Dogs - CrawleyDoodley Dogs - Crawley

The residential courses run from 7.30am until 6.30pm Monday to Friday. Your dog will spend all day at the Doodley Dogs centre and surrounding environments as appropriate.

Your dog will be collected by the owner at the end of each day and returned to the centre the following day.

We have found it is better for the dog to be returned home in the evening as dogs are context sensitive and need to continue the skills they have learned in their home environment.... residential facilities that "fix" dogs on their own premises often find them returned for further training and further expense as they have not had a chance to improve their behaviour at home.

Doodley Dogs - StorringtonDoodley Dogs - StorringtonDoodley Dogs - Storrington

Behaviour Therapy
Anti-Social Behaviour: Resolve anti-social behaviour including issues such as, Excessive barking - Digging - Pulling on the Lead - Jumping up - OTT behaviour

Seperation Anxiety: This issue is becoming more common and often results in stress and guilt from the human and panic from the canine. I can work with you to make your dog feel relaxed and confident with being alone and you more confident and able to walk away.

Prey Chasing: I like to see dogs enjoying free running and most dogs will instinctively chase other animals. I use kind and very effective methods to ensure that you can stop your dog chasing when you need to.

Excessive Herding and Stalking: Including chasing cars, bikes, joggers and trains.

Aggression: Covering both Dog to Dog aggression and Dog to Human aggression

Resource Guarding: Resolution to issues concerning both food and toy guarding as well as possessive behaviours

Inter-Dog: The break-down of a relationship between two dogs in the same pack or household.

Territorial Behaviour: All territorial behaviours covered.

Nervous Behaviour & Phobia: All fear related issues and phobias covered.

Doodley Dogs - Storrington

Doodley Dogs - Dog Day Care in Storrington, West Sussex

Here at Doodley Dogs we place a strong emphasis on dogs as pack animals. It's nature's way.

Dogs are naturally sociable animals, and in the wild will usually form packs.

Doodley Dogs - Storrington

There are all sorts of negative connotations of 'packs of dogs' as dangerous and noisy, but they are in fact relatively calm and social structures.

It's healthy for your dog to interact with his own kind and it's important for every dog to have the opportunity to "speak dog" regularly.

Most doggy clients integrate nicely into our carefully organised packs, and play happily all day. You'll find that after a day with us your dog will have had so much fun that he'll be so tired out he won't even need to be walked.

Contact Doodley Dogs - Storrington


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