Hatties Pet Services - Dog Walker in Selsey, West Sussex

Hatties Pet Services

3 Acorn Close
Nr Chichester
West Sussex
PO20 9HL
  • Tel:
  • Please mention you found
    us on The Good Dog Guide

  • Dog Walking Service/House Visit/Sitting
  • Flexible, Reliable & Friendly
  • Caring, Patient & Honest
  • Discount for Two or More Dogs
  • Other pet related services
  • Dog grooming & pet feeding service

Hattie's Pet Services - Dog Walking Service in Selsey, West Sussex

I offer a friendly, reliable and flexible dog walking, pet sitting and animal feeding service.

I will collect your dog from your own home and take them for a walk around your local area. Alternatively, I am also happy to collect them & take them to a local area of your choice to exercise them appropriately, on a suitable rota for all concerned.  
If you need your pet fed whilst you are away or at work, I can visit & feed them.  All animals considered - furry ones, feathered ones, four legged or two legged.  Please call, message or email for any further information.

Dog Walker in West SussexDog Walking in West SussexDog Walking in Selsey

Maybe your dog needs a comfort break whilst you are  working. This services includes any pet ... I have had a few owners who were referred to me via our local vet recommendation.

I am fairly adaptable, easily approached & have a professional manner.  I have owned dogs for over 40 years, currently have five of my own, all of whom are rescued & I train them accordingly.  I also run a small dog grooming business.  I am always studying & learning new courses & have now completed my latest one - Canine Behaviour Training Course.  This course covers a multitude of dog issues from behavioural problems, food allergies, dog stress, health, diet & hormones, how & why dogs behave and learn as they do, training issues and communication, aggression &  various other subjects.

Dog walkerExcersising your dog

I have crates available for the safe transportation of your beloved pet  should they be needed & I am fully insured.  I offer reasonable rates which include a discount for walking two or more dogs within the same family.

I work on a price per hour basis - offering the above mentioned reductions where applicable. My rates are £11 per 45 minutes to an hour.  There will be a small charge for petrol if you live further than 5 miles away from the Selsey area, however, the discounts mentioned will remain in any area.

Dogs WalksSolo Dog Walks

I look forward to meeting, walking or feeding your beloved companions shortly.

Please call the above number or email me at hattiessbns@yahoo.co.uk or find me on my Facebook Business page at Hattie`s Pet Services.
paw prints
