Sussex SAR for Lost Dogs CIC - Dog Rescue center in Felpham, West Sussex

Sussex SAR for Lost Dogs CIC

West Sussex
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    us on The Good Dog Guide

  • Sussex Search & Rescue for Lost Dogs CIC
  • Community Interest Company
  • Voluntary Organisation
  • Sponsors & Donations Welcome

Sussex SAR For Lost Dogs CIC is a Community Interest company, Using local Volunteer Ground Searchers, Drone Operators and humane Trapping teams to help find Missing dogs and reuniting them with their owners.

We are a leader in this style of dog search and rescue on the South Coast England UK.We work in partnership with Sussex Crimewatch, local dog wardens and local vets.

We are the South Coasts first point of call, when it comes to missing pets. We also work along side local farmer to help and assist with missing / lost livestock.

Sussex SAR for Lost Dogs CIC is a Community Interest Company, our volunteer group, consists of over 2.3k members and growing daily, and has helped reunite approximately 300+ dogs with their owners, over the last two + years, we have Drone Pilots, Ground Searchers and trapping teams ready to be depolyed at anytime across the South Coast England UK.
