Doodley Dogs - Crawley - Dog Daycare in Crawley, West Sussex

Doodley Dogs - Crawley

Inside Pets Corner
Spindle Way
West Sussex
RH10 1TG
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    us on The Good Dog Guide

  • State-of-the art dog day care centre
  • With onsite behaviourists
  • Large pet shop
  • Live webcams & viewing windows
  • Free puppy socialisation club
  • Emphasis on every dog being individual

Doodley Dogs - Storrington

Doodley Dogs - Dog Day Care in Crawley, West Sussex

Running with the pack
Here at Doodley Dogs we place a strong emphasis on every dog being an individual.

Dogs are naturally sociable animals, at Doodley Dogs we spend time getting to know each dog so we ensure they have a great time and look forward to thier visits!

Dog Day Care in Storrington

It's healthy for your dog to interact with his own kind and it's important for every dog to have the opportunity to "speak dog" regularly.

Most doggy clients integrate nicely into our carefully organised packs, and play happily all day. You'll find that after a day with us your dog will have had so much fun that he'll be so tired out he won't even need to be walked.

Doodley Dogs - CrawleyDoodley Dogs - CrawleyDoodley Dogs - Crawley

Available Facilities
Live webcams so you can check up on your dog anytime!
Heating - Fresh air ventilation - Quiet rooms - Complimentary spruce up at the end of each visit
Play arenas - Cuddles and one to one time - Pet shop - Onsite behaviourist
Residential Behaviour Rehabilitation and Private Home Visits
Training Classes and Private Specialist Training
Saturday morning Puppy Socialisation Club

Doodley Dogs - Crawley
What happens at Doodley?
During the day your dog will be introduced carefully and patiently to a range of other dogs with the intention of ending up in the main arena where he will be sure to make lots of friends and get plenty of exercise. We take time to build up your dog’s confidence, making sure he feels comfortable at all times.

Not all dogs possess good social skills but all dogs do have the ability to learn how to socialise and interact appropriately. If your dog does not get along with other dogs, please speak to the behaviour team as with the proper training most dogs can overcome this problem. We feel it’s important for your dog to be able to socialise and communicate well with other dogs as a human can never provide the same companionship as another dog.

Home StayDog Home Boarding

If there is a reason why you do not want your dog to socialise, we can still look after your dog and provide superior care. We will carefully select an appropriate dog for him or her to play with away from the main pack, or one of the team can keep your dog company during his visit.

Your dog will be able to play and socialise for the duration of his stay. We don’t confine ANY dog and ensure they all receive an appropriate amount of exercise.

Doodley Dogs - Storrington
