Talk of the Dog - Dog Trainer in Atherstone, Warwickshire

Talk of the Dog

19 Stafford Street
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  • Please mention you found
    us on The Good Dog Guide

  • Provide dog behaviour consultations
  • Provisional Clinical Animal Behaviourist
  • Dog behaviour first aid & dog trainer
  • I am an I.S.A.P. member
  • Positive reinforcement methods
  • Call for a free 30-minute consultation

Talk of the Dog

Talk of the Dog – Dog behaviourist and Trainer in Atherstone, Warwickshire

Dogs form such an important part of our lives. They make us laugh, cry, worried, anxious and sometimes, feel angry, sad or disappointed. These are all human emotions, not less relevant, but something your dog(s) do(es) not understand. I can help you improve your relationship with your dog.

Talk of the DogTalk of the DogTalk of the Dog

Ask your vet first
The relationship between medical issues resulting in maladaptive behaviours such as fear, anxiety, including aggression is now well established by science. You have therefore 2 options. The first is to call me and book an appointment whilst you arrange a vet visit and a vet referral.The second option is to first visit your vet to rule out medical issues. Once a clean bill of health has been given, request your vet to refer you to me for a behaviour consultation. If it is behaviour first aid or 1-2-1 dog training no referral is needed.

Why come to me??
I am a psychology graduate, and studying Advanced Diploma in Applied Animal Behaviour (Canine).

I have extensive experience with Separation Anxiety, Fearful, Anxious and Aggressive dogs.

I have many years of experience working with and, training Greyhounds.

I am a member of the International Society of Animal Professionals (ISAP).

Talk of the DogTalk of the DogTalk of the Dog

DID YOU KNOW, As I am a provisional CAB your pet insurance may cover my consultation fees.

Rather than you coming to me, I will come and visit you, saving you travel time and expenses.

You can also take the opportunity to schedule a free 30-minute phone consultation.

My Service Area
 I provide services nationwide subject to T&C and services free of travel charges within a 20-mile radius of Atherstone.

paw prints
