Suffolk Canine Creche - Dog Groomer in Woodbridge, Suffolk

Suffolk Canine Creche

Sandy Lane
IP12 4SD
  • Tel:
  • Please mention you found
    us on The Good Dog Guide

  • Fluff the Ruff Grooming Spa with Air Con
  • No cages / kennels
  • Air Conditioned
  • Low electric tables
  • Grooming with kindness
  • We go at your dogs pace!

Suffolk Canine Creche

Welcome to Fluff the Ruff - Dog Grooming in Martlesham, Suffolk

We are the dedicated Grooming Spa based on site at the Suffolk Canine Creche facility.

Your dogs do not have to be registered at the Creche or even attend the Creche to experience all we have to offer in our dedicated Grooming Spa, though of course if they are, they get to experience a play day or a sleep over as well as coming home smelling of roses!

Suffolk Canine CrecheSuffolk Canine CrecheSuffolk Canine Creche

Our Salon is AIR CONDITIONED for your dogs comfort and pleasure, and we believe that the handling of your dog is also paramount to providing a positive and pleasant experience for your dog. Every care is taken to ensure your dog enjoys their pampering sessions and each dog is handled gently and safely throughout their treatments.

Suffolk Canine CrecheSuffolk Canine CrecheSuffolk Canine Creche

Our Full Groom aka FULL FLUFF includes:
One to one consultation with our Stylists
Full spa treatment using professional shampoo’s (best suited to your dog’s coat & skin type) with deep cleansing properties & essential oils. Coat is thoroughly brushed out.
Towel dry and blow dry for the best finish
Clipping or scissor styled to your requirements or breed standard.
Full preventative care treatment given as required, including:-
Nails trimmed
Ears cleaned & plucked
Eyes cleaned and cleared of any debris
Sanitation area cleared
Hair between pads cleared out
Skin checked.
Fragrance sprayed.
We also Handstrip if required.

Suffolk Canine CrecheSuffolk Canine CrecheSuffolk Canine Creche

Though we offer many other services, including just a quick bath!

Call us to make an appointment or pop over to see our salon and meet our grooming team.

Tel: 01473 636151

 Paw Prints
