Dog Behaviourist Helen Goodall - Dog Trainer in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

Dog Behaviourist Helen Goodall

Bury St Edmunds
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  • Dog Behaviourist in Bury St.Edmunds
  • Covering Suffolk
  • Positive behaviour therapy
  • Video call consultations
  • 20 years experience
  • Certified in Canine Behaviour

Dog Behaviourist Helen Goodall

Dog Behaviourist Helen Goodall - in Bury St.Edmunds, Suffolk.

Building and understanding the relationship with your dog is an essential, ongoing part of ownership. Problematic behaviour can threaten that relationship to the point where owners feel the only alternative is to re-home their dog. ​Helen helps you the owner gain a better understanding of why your dog behaves in certain ways.
Whilst working together towards better dog behaviour, your own confidence can improve, helping establishing greater trust and an improved response. Helen is committed to help you and your dog whatever problems arise, for the lifetime of your dog.​​

Dog Trainer in SuffolkDog Training in Bury St.EdmundsDog behaviourist in Bury St.Edmunds

As an owner do you experience any of the following issues with your dog?

Any type or cause of aggression or reactive behaviour

Fears and phobias (e.g. traffic or fireworks)

Nervous behaviour, poor coping skill

Stress, its causes and symptoms (e.g. self mutilation or tail chasing)

Separation anxiety (vocalisation, destructive behaviour, inappropriate toileting or restlessness)

Obsessive or compulsive behaviour (e.g. shadow chasing)

Excessive vocalisation

Puppy problems, mouthing, toileting - On-lead reactions, unreliable response

Problematic behaviour with a recent rescue

Multi dog household issues

Relationship and family bonding issues

Fear of visits to the Vets

Hyper Sensitivity (e.g. to touch or sound)

Dog TrainerDog Training

Dog Grooming
Helen also offers dog grooming in a positive setting, in Fornham All Saints. Working with dogs with special handling considerations, regular sessions can be attended where Helen teaches you and your dog how to improve positivity in touch tolerance and the grooming process.

Helen is committed to providing a professional service and to promote a positive environment for you and your dog, to improve challenging behaviour. You as an owner can rely on unbiased professional advice, with the well being of your dog at the forefront of a positive behaviour modification programme.

Services provided:
Professional and non-judgemental - Home visits for consultations - Video call consultations
Therapy programme tailored for individual circumstances - Full written detailed report post consultation
Follow up sessions - Continuing help and support
​All behaviour modification therapy programmes are based on positive association principles.

Dog in need of trainingDog behaviouristTraining your dog

Helen has been a practising Dog Behaviourist for twenty years. In 2000 she gained a Certificate in Dog Psychology, while studying with the Canine Behaviour Centre.

​Alongside her Behaviour business, Helen also works for Haughley and Thurston Veterinary Surgeries as their resident Dog Behaviourist. Behaviour Clinics are run at the Thurston branch. They cater for dogs that need confidence building when visiting the Vets and for any other problem as a discussion starting point. They are open to all owners, not just those already registered to the practice.

Helen’s special areas of interest in dog behaviour are:
Reading body language in single dogs and groups,
Dealing with aggression in any breed
Stress: the effects and the resulting behaviour
Communication and confidence building.
Specific experience with the rehabilitation of the following breeds: Border Collies, Gundog breeds, German Shepherds, Rottweilers and Terriers and Bull-breeds.

Dog Behaviourist Helen GoodallDog Behaviourist Helen Goodall


“Helen has been helping us with our rescue terrier Ziggy who has some social problems and can be unpredictable with other dogs, particularly un-neutered males. Most importantly she has inspired much greater confidence in my handling and he was the most relaxed in the presence of other dogs during our last session. I researched several possible behaviourists and am so pleased to have found someone who understands Ziggy. Helen is recommended without reservation.”

- Neil Williamson

“We had major problems with Ghost, but Helen has given us back our joy in walking a dog. She has never made us feel like we are bad dog owners and to be honest if it was'nt for Helen then Ghost would probably be back at the rescue we got him from. We are all so grateful for her help and advice. ”

- Allison Cook