Dog Training with Laura Mars - Dog Trainer in South Petherton, Somerset

Dog Training with Laura Mars

South Petherton
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  • Qualified Professional Dog Trainer
  • One-to-one & Group Training
  • Qualified in human coaching and learning
  • Bespoke session to meet dogs requirement
  • Modern Reward based techniques
  • Approved with Dog Training College

Dog Training Laura Mars

Threebestrated dog trainer in South Somerset 2023 & 2024

Would you like to put the fun back into dog training?

Would you like a better understanding of your dog, boost your partnership and improve your training results?

Come join the dog training revolution and play your way to real-life results 

I would be delighted to help you teach your dog skills that last a lifetime. I will only use kind, force free, reward based methods because they get results, protect your relationship and are fun for dogs and humans alike.

Dog Training with Laura MarsDog Training with Laura Mars

Do you want to achieve success whilst having fun Dog Training? 

Come and play your way to real-life results and let me help you transform your dog training struggles into strengths. 

I can help you train any Dog of any age.

With numerous success stories you can be confident that you're in safe hands. 

I look forward to working alongside you. 

Laura Mars

Dog Training with Laura MarsDog Training with Laura MarsDog Training with Laura Mars

Qualified in Canine Behaviour and Training with Sarah Whitehead.

An Approved Dog Trainer with The Dog Training College.

Senior Trainer - The Dog Training College 

Accredited Pro Dog Trainer with Absolute Dogs 

Certified Reactive rascals Instructor-The Dog Training College 

Gold Member of the Pet Professionals Network.

Student mentor. Mentoring students undertaking the Certified Dog Trainer Program with The Dog Training College 

Qualified to Masters Degree level in Adult learning theory and coaching. 

GOOD DOG with Laura MarsGOOD DOG with Laura Mars


Face-to-face, 1:1 Qualified Coaching 

Virtual consultations via Zoom or telephone 
Bespoke training packages tailored to meet your specific area of development:

Puppy foundation skills

Resolving training struggles

More advanced skills for adolescent and adult dogs 

Canine reactivity specialist 


Certified Reactive Rascals instructor 

Large outdoor venue in south Petherton, Somerset

Good Dog offers reward based, Games based, modern training that gets real-life results 
Please contact me to discuss your specific areas of development 

GOOD DOG with Laura MarsGOOD DOG with Laura Mars


I am proud to be a Student mentor for The Dog Training College.

This exciting opportunity enables me to combine my previous experience and passion for coaching and mentoring adult learners, with my love of dog training and behaviour, whilst being part of an organisation committed to force free methods, raising and maintaining industry standards and animal welfare.

'The expert in anything was once the beginner' The Dog Training College

paw prints
