Aricia Dog training - Dog Trainer in Whitchurch, Shropshire

Aricia Dog training

SY13 3NE
  • Friendly dog training in Shropshire
  • Training room & outdoor ring
  • Training dogs for 25 years
  • KC Safe & Sound team leader for 12 yrs
  • Scentwork UK Certified judge
  • Using positive reinforcement

Aricia Dog training - Dog Training in Whitchurch, Shropshire

Our training room is 40 feet by 25 feet and is situated adjacent to the house just before the car park. Access to the room by a single door on the left hand side of the building being on the right hand side of the covered way. The toilet is directly across from this door.

Aricia Dog trainingAricia Dog trainingAricia Dog training

Three outdoor training areas which are bounded by a wire mesh fence, when not in use you can play with your dog in these rings also your dog can be let off the lead on the field which is used for parking when outdoor training is taking place.


Classes are held for Puppies and Adult Dogs, I cover:
Kennel  Clubs,  Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards
The Association of Pet Dog Trainers Awards
I teach pet obedience, rally, scenting, minor behavioural cases, clicker training
One to one training to suit handler
Assist handlers who wish to show their dogs.


Aricia Dog training

About me
I provide and display the Crufts Safe and Sound Team, also participate in organising the Midlands Rally Team for Competing at Crufts. I have been training dogs for 25 years, using positive reinforcement. I have qualifications from the Animal Care College in 8 subjects.

I have trained the Safe and Sound team leader for the KC’s Display at Crufts for around 12 years.

 I now have a rescue BSD who competes in Rally and 2 Welsh Collies (aged 6yrs and 18months) who compete in Rally and Obedience. The elder holds the Rally Level 6 Excellent award.

 In the past my dogs competed in Working trials, Obedience, Agility, H to M & Scenting.

Aricia Dog training

I am a Scentwork UK Certified Judge, Levels 1 to 4, and Trial Organiser.

Two of my Belgian Shepherds have been Show Champions, one gaining Best Of Breed at Crufts.

paw prints

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