Home » Powys » Llanfaes » Veterinary Practices
Find vets and surgeries near you, in and around Llanfaes, Powys and the surrounding area.
When making an enquiry or booking an appointment with a listed veterinary practice, please let them know you found their details on The Good Dog Guide.
Vets and surgeries in and around Llanfaes, Powys
Find vets and surgeries near you, in and around Llanfaes, Powys and the surrounding area.
When making an enquiry or booking an appointment with a listed veterinary practice, please let them know you found their details on The Good Dog Guide.
We currently do not have any listings in this area, so have widened the search radius.
Tel: 01685... ShowAsh Veterinary Surgery
Aberdare Road
Merthyr Tydfil
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 1AT
- Veterinary practice in Georgetown
- Providing trustworthy, expert advice

Tel: 01685... ShowVictoria Veterinary Practice
80 Victoria St
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 3RN
- Provide veterinary care for pets
- Community-minded, multi-branch practice

Tel: 01685... ShowVictoria Veterinary Practice
80 Victoria St
Merthyr Tydfil
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 3RN
- Provide top quality veterinary care
- Wide range of services