National Cycle Museum - Dog Friendly Attraction in Llandrindod Wells, Powys

National Cycle Museum

National CYcle Museum
Automobile Palace
Temple STreet
Llandrindod Wells
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  • Dog friendly attraction in Powys
  • Great family day out!

Visit the National Cycle Collection and enter the World of the Bicycle

How big is a Penny Farthing's wheel? And just how uncomfortable were those early bikes compared with today's hi-tech versions? Journey through the lanes of cycle history and see bicycles from 1819, such as the Hobby Horse, Boneshakers and Penny Farthings, up to the most modern Carbon Fibre machines of today.

Bring your dog and walk along our historic street complete with country garage including bicycle shops. Lamp collections, photographs, posters and enamel signs are displayed to enhance the period in which the bicycles are set. The Dunlop tyre story sets the stage for the entrance of the tyred bicycle. The exhibition hall contains displays on past racing stars such as Tom Simpson, Bill Bradley winner of the Milk Race in 1959/60, Billie Dovey the keep fit lady of the 1930's who rode just under 30,000 miles in one year, Barry Clarke National Mountain Bike Champion of 1996 and George Nightingale who rode the 25-mile in under an hour in 1938, to name but a few.

The are over 200 machines on display within the 6,000 square feet of floor space at any one time, with a similar number held in the reserve collection.
