Toni Shelbourne - Accredited Animal Behaviourist
2a Glynswood
OX39 4JB
OX39 4JB
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- Experience spanning decades
- Reactive to responsive classes
- Specialising in stress managements
- Focusing on emotional anxiety
- One to one sessions, workshops
- Seminars, demos, webinars & books

Toni Shelbourne - Accredited Animal Behaviourist
Tellington TTouch & Real Dog YogaOne to One Sessions - Workshops - Talks - Seminars - Demos - Books
Toni has a unique blend of experience spanning decades. She works with and specialises in the stress management and emotional anxiety of animals. Although she mainly focuses on helping dogs, Toni also works with cats, small animals, birds and zoo species, especially canids.
Based and working in Berkshire, England, Toni also works UK wide and abroad teaching and lecturing.

Tellington TTouch Training
Tellington TTouch can be very successful in helping animals who are fearful, affecting the recipient on many levels. It is based on the principle that posture affects behaviour (and vice versa): therefore, by improving posture and movement, self-confidence and self-control will develop and increase.
This is achieved by performing various non-habitual movements (the TTouches) on the body, and exercises carried out while moving, such as the Confidence Course.
The touches on the body can be very calming and comforting, which will help animals to be more at ease while being handled, and easier to treat or train. By reducing stress levels and encouraging rational thinking, you can help your dog to move from a state of fear or arousal to a state of calm focus, able to think rationally and to alter ingrained fear responses.

Stress Management for Animals
Every animal goes through periods of stress and anxiety, whether it is young animals growing up or older animals who have had a fright or have had changes in their lives and are now worried about something. Emotional problems in pets can be difficult for owners to understand or deal with. Toni has decades of experience helping people come to terms with and manage their pet’s anxiety issues.

Talk to me if your dog is:
Frightened of noises - Fearful or reactive to others of their own kind
Fearful or shy of humans - Aggressive towards humans
Fearful or reactive to handling by you or a veterinary surgeon
Anxious of getting into,or sick in the car - Excessively vocal - Shy in new situations
Showing over the top behaviours like boisterousness, hyperactivity or mouthing
Pulls on the lead - Chases joggers, cyclist or cars
Shows stereotypical behaviours like shadow chasing, spinning or jumping
Doesn’t like their nails being clipped - Doesn’t like to be left alone - Fear of the lead or collar
Fear of paineither current or once an injury has healed - Fear of eye contact
Fear of veterinary treatments - Reluctant to go outside - Reluctant to go through narrow spaces like door ways
Fear of objects like umbrellas, fluorescent coats, walking sticks etc. - Submissive urination
Excessive chewing - Panic attacks & hysteria
Or any other emotional issue they may have. Even if they have had the anxiety for a long period of time, all is not lost and help is at hand.

Toni has a unique blend of experience spanning decades. She works with and specialises in the stress management and emotional anxiety of animals. Although she mainly focuses on helping dogs, Toni also works with cats, small animals, birds and zoo species, especially canids.
Based and working in Berkshire, England, Toni also works UK wide and abroad teaching and lecturing.

Tellington TTouch Training
Tellington TTouch can be very successful in helping animals who are fearful, affecting the recipient on many levels. It is based on the principle that posture affects behaviour (and vice versa): therefore, by improving posture and movement, self-confidence and self-control will develop and increase.
This is achieved by performing various non-habitual movements (the TTouches) on the body, and exercises carried out while moving, such as the Confidence Course.
The touches on the body can be very calming and comforting, which will help animals to be more at ease while being handled, and easier to treat or train. By reducing stress levels and encouraging rational thinking, you can help your dog to move from a state of fear or arousal to a state of calm focus, able to think rationally and to alter ingrained fear responses.

Stress Management for Animals
Every animal goes through periods of stress and anxiety, whether it is young animals growing up or older animals who have had a fright or have had changes in their lives and are now worried about something. Emotional problems in pets can be difficult for owners to understand or deal with. Toni has decades of experience helping people come to terms with and manage their pet’s anxiety issues.

Talk to me if your dog is:
Frightened of noises - Fearful or reactive to others of their own kind
Fearful or shy of humans - Aggressive towards humans
Fearful or reactive to handling by you or a veterinary surgeon
Anxious of getting into,or sick in the car - Excessively vocal - Shy in new situations
Showing over the top behaviours like boisterousness, hyperactivity or mouthing
Pulls on the lead - Chases joggers, cyclist or cars
Shows stereotypical behaviours like shadow chasing, spinning or jumping
Doesn’t like their nails being clipped - Doesn’t like to be left alone - Fear of the lead or collar
Fear of paineither current or once an injury has healed - Fear of eye contact
Fear of veterinary treatments - Reluctant to go outside - Reluctant to go through narrow spaces like door ways
Fear of objects like umbrellas, fluorescent coats, walking sticks etc. - Submissive urination
Excessive chewing - Panic attacks & hysteria
Or any other emotional issue they may have. Even if they have had the anxiety for a long period of time, all is not lost and help is at hand.