Home » Orkney » Kirkwall » Veterinary Practices
Find vets and surgeries near you, in and around Kirkwall, Orkney and the surrounding area.
When making an enquiry or booking an appointment with a listed veterinary practice, please let them know you found their details on The Good Dog Guide.
Vets and surgeries in and around Kirkwall, Orkney
Find vets and surgeries near you, in and around Kirkwall, Orkney and the surrounding area.
When making an enquiry or booking an appointment with a listed veterinary practice, please let them know you found their details on The Good Dog Guide.
Tel: 01856... ShowNorthvet
33 Junction Rd
KW15 1AG
- High quality Veterinary healthcare
- All 3 of our surgeries have free parking

Tel: 01856... ShowFlett & Carmichael
Unit 1/Garrison Rd
Hatston Industrial Estate
KW15 1GN
- Wide range of diagnostic equipment
- 24 hour emergency service