Dogs in Translation
The Old Cottage
Church Street
Weston Longville
Church Street
Weston Longville
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us on The Good Dog Guide
- Highly Recommended Dog Listener/Trainer
- 15 years Professional Experience
- One to one consultations only
- Kind, positive & holistic approach to
- Control issues, reactivity & anxiety
- Ongoing guidance & support included

Dogs in Translation - Dog Listener and Trainer in Weston Longville, Norwich
I'm currently operating a remote service, advising on and helping resolve many behavioural issues remotely.
My name is Lucy Parkes and here you will find the culmination of my experiences and knowledge as a Professional Dog Listener and Trainer based in the fine county of Norfolk, UK. After training with the World famous Dog Listener Jan Fennell, over seven years ago, I have since been asked to work with hundreds of dogs in Norwich, Norfolk and the surrounding counties and have helped to resolve problem behaviour, ranging from excessive pulling on the lead and general lack of cooperation through to aggression towards other dogs and people, separation anxiety and other serious behavioural issues.Often succeeding where other approaches have failed, Dog Listening is a way of life that enables your dog to relax – and therefore cooperate! Seven years of working – almost exclusively – with dogs who have problems (many of them very serious) has given me a real insight into how these dogs perceive our world and their place within it.
Through my blog posts I hope to share with you some of my experiences as a Dog Listener and Trainer and to provide you with the information that will empower you – as a responsible and caring dog owner – to build a relationship with your dog, that is based on trust, respect and cooperation.

Home Consultations
A one to one dog behaviour consultation is suitable for you, if you would like to gain a broader and deeper understanding of your unique dog and resolve – or avoid – problem behaviour. By visiting you in your home, I am able to work with you, your dog/s and any other family members to create beneficial relationships and an environment that allows your dog/s to fulfil his/her greatest potential as a valued member of your pack.
Depending on the behavioural issues, I am usually with people for between two and four hours and during that time I initiate a change in pack dynamics and lay down the foundations for a process that you will then continue to implement. After I have been out to visit you, I continue to support you via telephone and email, guiding and encouraging you as you proceed. The back-up is included in the cost of the consultation and is an essential part of the service that I offer you. My existing clients tell me that the on-going back-up is invaluable and I regularly hear from them with progress reports and to offer on-going advice as they encounter new challenges and life-changes.

A one to one behavioural consultation is of particular benefit to you, if your dog is exhibiting any of the following -
Aggression towards other dogs (including own pack members)
Aggression towards people (including owner)
Separation anxiety
Fear of noise – thunder, fireworks, gun shots
Problems with food – not eating, food obsessed, guarding.
Excessive barking
Destruction – of home, of self (chewing paws, pulling out hair, obsessive grooming/licking)
Toileting in the house
Eating faeces
Compulsive behaviours – tail chasing, licking, pacing, digging
General lack of cooperation – pulling on lead, poor recall, jumping up
General anxiety

Dog Group Work
These sessions are available to people who I have already worked with, or, people who already follow Jan Fennell’s kind and positive approach to living and working with dogs and have either read ‘The Dog Listener’ and ‘The Practical Dog Listener’ or watched the DVD of the same name. It’s important to have already begun the process of reassuring your dog that all is well and that he/she can trust you – in the house and garden first – before bringing your dog into a group situation. It is also important to understand the effect on your dog, of bringing him into a group situation.
Dog Training Workshop
Come and find out how Jan Fennell at Dogs in Translation developed her kind, positive and holistic approach to living and working with dogs and how, by changing the way that you interact with your dog/s, you can gain their calm cooperation in all areas of your lives together.
I am available to talk at groups and events about Dog Listening, how it was developed and why it works.
Please contact me for further details.