Creature Comforters - Pet Health in Cromer, Norfolk

Creature Comforters

  • Please mention you found
    us on The Good Dog Guide

  • Natural help for behavioural problems
  • The Original Pet Blends®
  • Used by vets & trainers for over 25 yrs
  • Help for fear, anxiety, training, anger
  • Bach Remedies & Flower Essences
  • Postal consultation service available

Creature Comforters

Creature Comforters

The English Flower Essence Company

helping people and animals around the world for over 35 years.

Home of The Original Pet Blends® and Genuine Bach Flower Remedies
Pet Blends®
Gentle, effective help for emotional and behavioural problems - naturally.
Used by vets, trainers & people with their pets for over 25 years.
Simply add to food, water or treats.

Creature Comforters' Six Pet Blends® are used to help address the key emotional and behavioural problems experienced by animals - naturally.

Natural help for animals for:

• Stress / Shocks / Show Nerves / Fireworks Fear

• Separation Anxiety / Pining / Adapting to Changes

• Anger / Dominance / Obedience Training

• Apathy / Sadness / Weary / Recovery / Melancholy

• Hyper / Unruly / Over excitable / Training

• Nervous / Timid / Anxious / Submissive

Pet Blends® Reviews
"We highly recommend your Pet Blends® ...
Quite amazing!"
R. Anderson, RSPCA Branch Manager

"We can't speak highly enough of the Creature Comforters range. We find your products incredibly helpful when working with dog behaviour and anxiety issues and always with excellent results"
Kent Dog Behaviour Training - 'The Dog Trainer'

"You will be pleased to know that Millie [horse] has now got the title European Ridden Mare Champion ... she won the Gold Medal for her country Great Britain. What an achievement to represent your country but to win is just fantastic. Many, many thanks to you."
S. Turner, Suffolk

"[Relax] Really does work, I can't believe it. We always use it for our dog - within a few minutes she falls asleep, and she's really scared of fireworks. We used to show dogs and have told all our friends ... we really do recommend it"
Mr Platt, Cheshire


Anyone who has a pet or works with animals knows that they can suffer with emotional as well as behavioural problems. They can experience a similar range of responses as us, such as fear, rage, jealousy, sadness and anxiety. That is where our Pet Blends® can gently help.

Flower Essence therapy can also be particularly beneficial for animals that have been traumatised by an event in their past, such as neglect, abuse, bad-handling or inappropriate treatment/training by previous owners. In complex cases such as this we recommend a consultation for a Personalised Blend.

Our natural & gentle Blends are suitable for animals of all ages - from young to old - and for every type of animal:




About Us
Creature Comforters - the English Flower Essence Company - make a range of natural products for people and animals. For over 35 years we have supplied our Blends, Remedies and Essences to holistic therapists, veterinary surgeons, animal rescue centres and to people and their pets throughout the world.

The staff of Creature Comforters have a wealth of expertise in the field of alternative therapies and, specifically, Flower Essences as practitioners, producers, tutors and authors. We have been making Flower Essences for over three decades to the precise natural and traditional instructions of Dr Bach (the man who discovered the Remedies - here in our hometown - in the 1930s).

Using analysis of hundreds of case studies we are proud to have developed and manufactured the Original Flower Essence Pet Blends® used by caring pet owners around the world for over 25 years.
The six Pet Blends® are:
Creature Comforters
