Top Dog Training School - Dog Trainer in Erith, London

Top Dog Training School

Holly Hill Road
  • Dog training, Bexleyheath
  • 5 venues available
  • 6 weeks courses
  • Affordable dog training & agility
  • Fully insured
  • Also offers boarding & walking

Top Dog Training School - Dog Training in Bexleyheath, London

Top Dog Training classes is where you can enjoy real-life training that you can use daily. We discuss and learn about real issues in the world, the best way to deal with them and gain confidence to deal with whatever comes your way.

We run 6 week courses at 5 of our venues ( weekdays in the evening and Saturday morning) and puppy/dog Agility on Sunday mornings.

Our Venues:
Bexley, Welling, Belvedere, Dartford, Abbey Wood

We also do Agility Classes

Top Dog Training SchoolTop Dog Training SchoolTop Dog Training School

About us
I have been recognised Top 3 dog trainers in Bexley for 2019 and London for 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. I am incredibly proud of these achievements as I could never dream about it when I first started. From a big passion, dream became a hobby for a girl, but soon the whole family got involved.

Top Dog is very different from all other schools - that is what we have been told by many of our customers. I want my customers to feel comfortable, relaxed and happy when they come to the classes and not made feel that they failed their dog.

Top Dog Training SchoolTop Dog Training School

Top Dog is where people can come together and feel like they are training their pups with friends, have a laugh and learn everything they need to know about their puppies.

We teach owners to understand their dogs better and live in mutual understanding and harmony. There is nothing worse for a dog- than when the owner doesn't know what they are doing, has no confidence, and is always worried about what if!

Top Dog Training SchoolTop Dog Training SchoolTop Dog Training School

6 week training courses
Five venues to choose from in different areas and days of the week
Puppies: up to 6 months old
Bronze: from 6 months old & pups who completed Top Dog puppy class
Higher: dogs that have completed Top Dog Bronze class, or bronze level with other training schools
Pro: Those who can do most exercises off the lead

Sessions are 45mins-50min long

1-2-1 Training Sessions
Sometimes- a class environment isn't ideal for a dog or the owner.  Or, we want to deal with specific behaviour: pulling on the lead, recall, not good with other dogs, barking, have a rescue dog and want to give them the best start of new life..…

Top Dog Training SchoolTop Dog Training School

Many owners I have met need to build owners confidence as they are anxious about meeting other dogs, or even just simply don’t know how to deal with behaviours above. We work with you to make sure you have pockets full of knowledge when you leave us, confidence to deal with your dog on your own and work with those behaviours you struggle the most with.

I love 121 as we can have good chat and a laugh, its more personal and owner get 100% of my attention. You make a special connection with family and become a member of a dog family.

Top Dog Training SchoolTop Dog Training SchoolTop Dog Training School

It is up to 2h session and we try our best to make sure you don't have to come back, not because we don't want you back- we want to make sure you know what to do and how to deal with behaviour just from 1 session.

paw prints

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