Dog School (Dogs Trust) - in Clerkenwell, London

Dog School (Dogs Trust)

17 Wakley Street
  • Tel:
  • Please mention you found
    us on The Good Dog Guide

  • Virtual training classes for just £70.00
  • Coaches over 4 weekly sessions
  • 121 support from Dog School coaches
  • Access to an online induction videos
  • Puppies, adolescents or adult dogs
  • Ceate a lifelong bond with your dog

Dog School (Dogs Trust)

Dog School Virtual Training Classes

4-week virtual training courses, led by our experienced coaches.

Our virtual training courses, led by our experienced coaches over 4 weekly sessions, cost £70.00 which includes access to our owner support hub to help your dog's training get off to the strongest start.

Lesson plan
Our Dog School training course provides essential advice about dog training and behaviour, to help you create a lifelong bond with your dog.

Dog School (Dogs Trust)

What you get:
Four training sessions with a Dog School coach, over four weeks
Access to an online induction video that introduces Dog School topics
Access to the Dog School Owner Support Hub
121 support from Dog School coaches

Length of course: 4 weeks

Cost: £70.00

For more information on our website for this 4-week virtual training courses.

Dog School (Dogs Trust)
