Home » Lincolnshire » Stamford » Trainers, Behaviourists & Clubs
Find dog trainers and behaviourists near you, in Stamford, Lincolnshire and the surrounding area.
Please ask to see insurance details and relevant licence documents that may be required for the services they provide.
Dog trainers and behaviourists in and around Stamford, Lincolnshire
Find dog trainers and behaviourists near you, in Stamford, Lincolnshire and the surrounding area.
Please ask to see insurance details and relevant licence documents that may be required for the services they provide.
We currently do not have any listings in this area, so have widened the search radius.
Tel: 07801... ShowCanine Care Communication & Counselling
The Haven
Main road
LN11 7JS
- Canine behaviour services in Louth
- We accept any dog of any breed
- MEM of CFBA, PETbc, Guild Dog Trainers
- Fully trained & over 20 years experience
- Cover Warwickshire & the West Midlands
- A combination of different approaches

Tel: 07590... ShowDog Ami - Positive trainer and behaviourist
Covers Surrey
and whole of England
- Qualified dog trainer
- Certified dog Behaviour consultant
- Working with all breeds big & small
- Expertise in working with rescue dogs
- One to one puppy classes
- Deals with all dog behaviour problems

Tel: 07786... ShowLove Your Dog Training
Melton Mowbray
LE14 3ET
- Dog Trainer & Behaviourist
- One to One Consultations
- Let us resolve your dogs issues
- Specialising in helping family dogs
- Learn dog psychology and behaviour
- Call today so I can help

Tel: 07779... ShowBest Behaviour School for Dogs
Covering Whole Of
- Dog trainers covering whole of Kent
- Fully qualified members of the CFBA
- Veterinary & insurance referrals
- 1-to-1 home consultations
- Puppy & Junior classes
- Scent Detection Classes