Home » Leicestershire » Lutterworth » Parks & Exercise Facilities
Find dog parks and exercise facilities near you, in Lutterworth, Leicestershire and the surrounding area.
When making an enquiry or booking we advise you to ask the business for insurance details and relevant certificates, that may be required for the services they provide.
Dog parks and exercise facilities in and around Lutterworth, Leicestershire
Find dog parks and exercise facilities near you, in Lutterworth, Leicestershire and the surrounding area.
When making an enquiry or booking we advise you to ask the business for insurance details and relevant certificates, that may be required for the services they provide.
Tel: 07977... ShowSouth Lodge Meadows - dog park & doggy dip "n" Dive
South Lodge
Walcote Road
South Kilworth
LE17 6EQ
- Private hire doggy swimming pool
- Private hire dog parks & play park
- Available for exclusive private hire
- All 6ft fencing wash stations
- Automatic water drinkers
- Lots of fun obstacles