Home » Kent » Blue Bell Hill » Dog Friendly Attractions & Places
Find dog friendly attractions and places to visit near you, in Blue Bell Hill, Kent and the surrounding area. For you and your dog to enjoy a day together.
Dog friendly attractions and places to visit in and around Blue Bell Hill, Kent
Find dog friendly attractions and places to visit near you, in Blue Bell Hill, Kent and the surrounding area. For you and your dog to enjoy a day together.
Tel: 0870 ... ShowTemple Manor
- Built in the 13th century
- by the Knights Templar

Tel: 0870 ... ShowKit's Coty and Little Kit's Coty House
Blue Bell Hill
- Remains of 2 megalithic burial chambers
- Located in an open field

Tel: 0870 ... ShowKits Coty House
Blue Bell Hill
- Fantastic views across the North Downs
- and Medway valley