Berrington Hall - Dog Friendly Attraction in Leominster, Herefordshire

Berrington Hall

  • National Trust property
  • Access to extensive parkland
  • 3 listed estate walks
  • Dogs allowed in ground only

Created as the perfect house in the perfect setting, Berrington has many secrets to uncover.

  • Take a walk through one of Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown’s final landscapes on one of our 3 way marked estate walks.

  • Relax in the gardens, including our traditional Herefordshire orchard. The vegetable garden will be extended again for next year so even more produce to see.

  • Take the kids for a walk and get back to nature, building a den or playing in our woodland play area.

  • See if you can join one of our architecture, garden or below stairs tours for that extra insight into life here at Berrington.

Contact Berrington Hall


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