Dogs Body Canine Massage Therapy - Pet Therapy in Gloucester, Gloucestershire

Dogs Body Canine Massage Therapy

Plum Tree House
Corsend Road
GL19 3BP
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  • Helps dogs with lameness/limp issues
  • Helps with stiffness & mobility issues
  • Aids working dogs e.g. agility dogs
  • Supports dogs with orthopaedic issues
  • Aids recovery after operations
  • Pre & post event massage available


Dogs Body Canine Massage Therapy in Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, & Worcestershire

Canine Massage Therapy is a strong, manipulative remedial massage for dogs and it works by releasing sore, tight muscles, removing trigger points or "knots" which can be debilitating and cause referred pain and helps rehabilitate injuries by breaking down scar tissue caused by daily activities that may be responsible for your dog's discomfort.

It can help to resolve many day to day mobility issues whether they have been there for a while or have just occurred. Getting your dog treated with canine massage is a must for any dog owner concerned with their dog's mobility and long term health and well being.

Canine Massagemassage for dogsarthritis and hip dysplasia

It is a natural form of pain relief that can help to resolve soft tissue, muscular problems as well as support orthopaedic issues like arthritis and hip dysplasia. It can also help a dog recovering from an operation. This is a results driven therapy where I would expectto see improvements within 1-3 sessions.

Suitable for all types of dogs whether they are young, fit and actve, elderly and less mobile, helps nervous, touch-shy dogs, can help to decrease boisterous behaviour, relieves pain in issues such as hip dysplasia, arthritis.

assist working dogsreleasing sore, tight muscles

Can assist working dogs e.g. dogs that do agility as a pre-event massage can warm up the muscles and the massagewill stimulate the circulation andget the dog ready to perform. Post event massage can aid the dog to recover from lactic acid build up which can cause soreness in the muscles.

Take a look at my website for further information and testimonials!



“Jack was 12 and a half when I first brought him to Cath for massage. Jack is a Bedlington Terrier cross and has arthritis and whilst treated with glucosamine, he was getting stiffer first thing in the morning, in the evening and sometimes at other times aswell. Jack has been having treatment since February 2012 and I bring him for a treatment every 6-8 weeks to help with his mobility. Since having treatments I feel Jack has benefitted as we are able to continue going on long walks. Initially when Cath saw Jack he had a few muscular strains and sore areas. These have improved with massage treatments. Jack really relaxes into the treatments and is very happy to lie there whilst Cath works on him. From an owner's perspective it is lovely to see him enjoying the massage, as well as getting the physical benefits. I am continuing with regular treatments to keep on top of Jack's muscular and orthopaedic conditions. Abigail Smith”

- Taken from website

“I just wanted to thank you for your time doing the massage on both Rocky and Sam, my Border Collies, over the last 3 weeks. As you know, I brought Sam along to ascertain whether the recent change in his behaviour was due to some muscular issue, causing discomfort or pain. Although you never found anything in that respect, your recommendation that I get the Vet to check Sam’s rear leg movement is something that I would not have been aware of before now. And to see him so calm and relaxed when the massage was being carried out was a sight to behold. I only really brought Rocky along because I was coming with Sam anyway, and at 10 years old figured that he deserved some TLC. It was appreciated that you were happy to work with Rocky on the floor, where he was more at ease, and the difference in his attitude between the first and third week was great. He obviously had more noticeable ‘wear and tear’ due to his age but he certainly looks to be more active since we came to see you. Steve Cutler”

- Taken from website

“My English Springer Spaniel, Taz, does agility and started knocking poles and was also a bit slow and hesitant. I had met Cath at a dog show and she checked Taz over for me with a free muscular health check. She found a few issues and so I booked him in for a treatment. Taz wasn't walking in a straight line - his back end was sticking out to his right and he was also struggling to turn in agility. I was hoping that massage would loosen Taz up a bit and help him with his agility. Cath found a few strains and Taz had 3 treatments initially and since then I have brought him back for a "maintenance" treatment to prevent any further injuries. I am happy to report that Taz is not knocking poles and is doing better with his agility. He has even had the benefit of a pre-event massage at one event before taking to the course and Cath was able to see him do a clear round. Cath has suggested a treatment at the start of the agility season and I will bring him for treatments when I feel his performance start to go downhill or he starts to slow down or get stiff. Leanne Vallis”

- Taken from website

“Amber- I was very sceptical about how a massage would benefit my 4 year old bitch, but as Cath had come highly recommended, decided we had nothing to lose. I booked Amber in and after her first massage she did improve in her general wellbeing and activity. Her agility has since also improved and we actually gained our first clear round!! Jack- After seeing an improvement in my younger Border Collie I decided to have Jack, my 9 year old, have a few treatments to see if massage would improve his hip dysplasia. He was diagnosed at 3 years old with x-rays and although he still competes at full height agility he would often have poles down due to inflexibility. After his first treatment he was bouncing around like a 9 month old puppy not the 9 year old he is!! He has had several treatments and is due to restart his agility career after a rest break. Sheila Maynard”

- Taken from website

“I met Cath at a local dog related show where she was offering free muscular health checks. She saw my Greyhound, Murphy, and I was really shocked at how tender and sore he seemed to be in places. Murphy had surgery on his scapula in January last year and it is now held together with a plate. This was a major operation and as a result Murphy has been lame as his leg is weaker. I wanted him to have massage to see if it would ease his aches and pains and make him feel better. After 3 sessions Murphy was very much improved. He is now moving much better, is not limping and is acting like a puppy and seems to have renewed energy. Before Murphy seemed to be getting old before his time. He is only 6 years old and massage has helped him not only physically by giving him a zest for life but he seems a lot happier too. I have decided to continue with massage to help prevent any further problems arising. Cath has suggested a treatment every couple or months or sooner if I feel Murphy starting to slow down. I am so pleased to have found out about the benefits of massage and Murphy really enjoys his massage sessions! Susie Western”

- Taken from website

“Kevin is a Greyhound and is nearly 6 years old and when I first brought him to Cath for a treatment he was suffering from lameness in his front left leg. I wanted to see if massage would help Kevin with his lameness issues and ease any general muscle soreness that he had. Since having massage Kevin is walking normally again and is not showing any signs of lameness. He is moving better and if not suffering from any stiffness either. I am really pleased with the results and will definitely book Kevin in for more treatment if I feel he is starting to slow down, get stiff or go lame again.”

- Taken from website

“Ellie (West Highland Terrier) is 16 years old and in the last few months her back legs have been getting very weak, resulting in her losing control of her back legs. She has a dog buggy that she is now using when she gets tired as she is unable to walk very far. After having one massage treatment we really noticed a difference in Ellie. We went to a steam fair a couple of days after Ellie's treatment and she had more energy and wanted to play and interact with some puppies that were there. She didn't want to go into her buggy. She had another 2 treatments after and continued to improve. She isn't losing control of her back legs as much, her eyes are brighter and she is generally more alert and she doesn't spent as much time in her bed now. Ellie is also trotting out to the garden more which is something she used to do but hadn't done for a long time. Ellie is now also asking to go for a walk by barking at the front door, something she wasn’t doing before. Massage has given her a new lease of life! We would like to continue with treatments and Cath has suggested that we contact her when we feel Ellie is slowing down or starting to struggle again. We have already booked another treatment for next month so that Ellie can continue to benefit from massage. John Rendell ”

- Taken from website

“I brought Nye who is a Welsh Springer, to Cath for massage treatment and Nye does a lot of running with me (canicross) and I wanted to make sure he was in good condition and that he wasn't suffering from any muscular issues. Luckily Nye was in good condition and so he has a treatment every 3-4 months to prevent any injuries and to enhance his running performance. I completed a half marathon in April with Nye and before the event Cath came along to give Nye a pre-event massage which she explained was like a pre-event sports massage on a human and great for loosening muscles, improving flexibility and getting Nye ready to run. I also learnt that it would decrease the chance of injury. Nye ran an excellent race and didn't suffer from any problems afterwards like stiffness or soreness and seemed very happy. I will continue with Nye's "maintenance" massage sessions to enable him to continue running well and keep him injury free. Claire Williams”

- Taken from website

“I brought Cassie (Greyhound) along for massage treatment as Cassie was walking strangely and would sometimes cry out in her sleep. I wanted to see if canine massage could help Cassie move better and generally make her more comfortable. Cassie is an ex-racing greyhound and had raced over 200 times including trials. After 3 massage sessions Cassie was able to stretch herself out more. She was more relaxed and seemed a lot better in herself. She had a lot of twitching down her back which I learnt were trigger points which can be quite debilitating. After the sessions, Cassie was not twitching as much and was easier to groom as a result as she was not in so much pain. Cassie is generally moving more freely and she hasn’t yelped at all since having massage. I felt that the massage really benefitted Cassie and was pleased with the results. Doreen Fisher”

- Taken from website

“GWYN - WORKING SHEEP DOG Gwyn was nearly 13 when Cath treated him. He suffers from arthritis in his right hip. Gwyn had a total of 3 massage treatments and after his first treatment his mood had lifted and he was ready to interact and be playful with my other dogs and was happy to go for a walk, something he was reluctant to do before. After his 2nd treatment Gwyn went upstairs which was something he had not done for a long time. His mobility has improved and the treatments have given him a new lease of life. Mrs K Morgan-Lloyd, Newport, Wales ”

- Taken from website

“TOOKY - ALASKAN MALAMUTE I contacted Cath to request a treatment for Tooky as he had had a bad reaction to some antibiotics which resulted in temporary paralysis and inflamed joints. After one treatment Tooky was acting like an 18 month old puppy with lots more energy. He went on to have further treatments which have continued to improve his mobility. He had a few muscular strains which have been resolved and I can now start training Tooky again for sled dog racing and distance trekking. I would not hesitiate to book another treatment again should Tooky need this and would recommend Cath to any dog owner or veterinary surgeon looking to use canine massage as a treatment/therapy. Mr C Morris, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire”

- Taken from site

“KNIGHT - BELGIUM SHEPHERD DOG Knight has bilaterally stiffened carpi (congenital carpal malformation) which results in spinal compensation. After having 3 massage treatments, Knight had improved as his back was not as tight. Before the treatments, he would have one "slow" day a week but during the course of the treatments, Knight did not have any slow days and seemed generally more mobile and happier. I would recommend massage and wouldn't hesitate to book a treatment again in the future Mrs K Roberts, Newent, Gloucestershire”

- Taken from site

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