Home » East Sussex » Hailsham » Pet Shops & Dog Boutiques
Find pet shops and boutiques near you, in Hailsham, East Sussex and the surrounding area.
When contacting or visiting a pet shop, please let them know you found their details on The Good Dog Guide.
Pet shops in and around Hailsham, East Sussex
Find pet shops and boutiques near you, in Hailsham, East Sussex and the surrounding area.
When contacting or visiting a pet shop, please let them know you found their details on The Good Dog Guide.
Tel: 01323... ShowTatty Matts
24 Lansdowne Crescent
East Sussex
BN27 1LN
- Pet shop in Hailsham, East Sussex
- Highest quality pet products

Tel: 01892... ShowBroadfeed
6-7 Spa Industrial Park
Longfield Road
Royal Tunbridge Wells
- Animal pet superstore
- Reliable, personal, delivery service