Home » Cornwall » United Downs » Trainers, Behaviourists & Clubs
Find dog trainers and behaviourists near you, in United Downs, Cornwall and the surrounding area.
Please ask to see insurance details and relevant licence documents that may be required for the services they provide.
Dog trainers and behaviourists in and around United Downs, Cornwall
Find dog trainers and behaviourists near you, in United Downs, Cornwall and the surrounding area.
Please ask to see insurance details and relevant licence documents that may be required for the services they provide.
The UK Dog Whisperer
United Downs
- Specialises in all areas of dog training
- Proven scientific & evidenced based

Tel: 01326... ShowOut in the Open
Lower Dacum Farm
TR13 0PD
- Agility & Hoopers training
- Dog exercise fields for hire by the hour