Doggiedodoggiedon't - Dog Trainer in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire


Milton Keynes
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    us on The Good Dog Guide

  • Behaviour Consultations
  • Obedience Training & Adult Classes
  • Puppy Classes & Socialisation
  • Puppy Consultations
  • Scentwork & Tracking
  • Dog Walking


Doggiedodoggiedon't - Canine Behaviour and Training in Buckinghamshire

Doggiedodoggiedon't is a canine behaviour and training business using positive, force-free and science based training methods.

Helen works with dogs and owners in their home environment and local area to combat behaviour issues; this is a beneficial way to train dogs as the problems are being dealt with first hand in the usual environment for both dog and owner and modifying unwanted behaviours more effectively.
Follow the link to the website for further information on behaviour consultations.
Dog Trainer in BuckinghamshireDog Training in Milton KeynesTraining your dogDog TrainerDog in need of training
Training sessions and classes should be enjoyable for your dog and for you as the owner.
Doggiedodoggiedon't uses positive reinforcement to increase the bond between you and your dog whilst diminishing unwanted behaviours.

Training is taken at a pace to suit each dogs individual requirements. Each dog is different and learns at a different pace, it is important to remember that. We provide relaxed, calm environments, which make for better learning for both dogs and owners.

Positive training methods may take longer in some aspects than other training types but your dog will learn properly and without 'quick fixes'. Positive methods in training are based n proven scientific evidence.

Training classes held at Walnut Pet Supplies, Walnut Tree and Yardley Hastings, near Olney. Walnut Pet Supplies is an outside venue with cover (if required). Yardley Hastings is an inside venue. Check out the website for further details on classes and socialisation.
Dog behaviourist in Milton KeynesDog behaviouristDog Training
Puppy one to ones are a great way to ensure you are on the right track with your puppy or to assist you in any problems you may be having. Pre-puppy sessions will help you set up, prepare for bringing your puppy home and dealing with the first few nights and common problems. For more information go to our website.

Whether you are an experienced or first time dog owner, classes and/or one to one sessions can help you.

Helen has worked with dogs for sixteen years; in rescue and in modifying behaviour issues within the home. Helen is Veterinary recommended.

Home appointments for all behaviour issues. One to one sessions available for general obedience training. For dogs of all ages.
Dog Walking also available in the Milton Keynes area.
Based in Buckinghamshire, working through England but most work focused around Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and Northants. Helen will travel to each dog, travel costs will be charged for further distances.
