Having a pet is one of the most wonderful things in the world. That wagging tail when you come back to your home and enters the door, not only makes you feel good but also takes the anxiety and stress of your whole day away. For many pet owners, pets become their furry family members. They share almost everything with their canine pal, from their hearts and houses to their beds.
But is it okay to share your food with your pup? According to the new University of Guelph research, around 35% of pet owners, especially those who are vegan, love to have a vegan dog; they are interested in feeding their pets a plant-based diet. Unfortunately, they don’t know that dogs have a different digestive system than humans. The food items that are safe for humans can wreak havoc on your pooch’s body. However, it doesn’t mean that a dog can’t eat human food.
In fact, there are many human food items that are safe and healthy for your pup and can be added to his/her meals to add a bit of variety to the food bowl. However, make sure the addition of human food items should not be in excess. Check out this article to know which human food items are safe to feed your pup if you want to give your four-legged friend a treat from your table.

Eggs: Eggs are a great source of protein, riboflavin, and selenium. Eggs are safe for dogs as long as they are fully cooked. There is evidence that eggs help in relieving nausea and upset stomach in dogs. However, before you feed eggs to your dog, make sure it is fully cooked as eating raw eggs can cause biotin deficiency in dogs, which is harmful to their skin and coat.
Mushrooms: Mushrooms are packed with antioxidants, protein, Selenium, iron, and several vitamins, including Vitamin-D, C, and B. Dogs can eat mushrooms, but only a certain variant of mushrooms like plain mushrooms (usually available on local stores). Eating mushrooms help your pet with better immunity and overall well-being.

Dairy products: Though many dogs have a low level of lactase, some dogs can consume dairy products, including milk, cheese, and plain yogurt, in moderate quantity. Dairy items may affect their gastrointestinal system and cause diarrhea or vomiting. If you want to feed cheese or yogurt to your dog, it is best to introduce its small amount in your dog’s regular diet gradually.

Pumpkin: Pumpkin is a major source of fiber and beta carotene. Canned pumpkin or freshly cooked pumpkin without spices and sugar is an ideal choice for dogs, especially when they are troubling executing successful bowel movements. Adding a tablespoon full of pureed pumpkin to a dog’s regular food helps in relieving both diarrhea and constipation.
Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a whole grain and safe for dogs to eat. Being a great source of fiber, it is the best alternative for the dogs that are allergic to wheat and have trouble in maintaining bowel regularity. Since flavored oatmeal has ingredients that are not good for your dog’s health, make sure you feed plain oatmeal in moderation to prevent obesity.

Vegetables: Vegetables give your pup vitamins, fiber, and canine crunch. Hence, it is okay to serve raw veggies such as cucumbers, zucchini, bell peppers, corn, and celery. You can also serve them green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, but make sure you steam them completely to prevent any digestive issues. Skip avocado; it can upset your dog’s stomach.
White Rice: Dogs can eat plain and cooked brown or white rice. It helps in relieving an upset stomach and binds stool because rice can be easily digested. Serving plain white rice with some boiled chicken can make your pup feel better, especially if he/she has any issue related to digestion or stomach. However, white rice can enhance the blood sugar level. So, diabetic dogs should avoid it.
Apples: Apples give your pooch an appropriate amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which help in boosting your dog’s immunity. Also, apples are high in fiber, which is beneficial for their digestive system. However, make sure you remove the apple seeds before giving it to your pup. The reason behind it is that they contain cyanide, which can be poisonous for your dog.
Carrots: Carrots are low in calories and a major source of Vitamin A and fiber. They are beneficial for a dog’s immune system, skin, and coat. Not only chewing on carrots helps them to remove plaque from their teeth but also beneficial for their dental health. Hence, dogs can eat both raw and cooked carrots. However, make sure you feed carrots in moderation as a large amount of Vitamin A can be toxic.

Fish: Like humans, dogs can produce half of the amino acid on their own. There are some amino acids that are essential for your dog, but they can only be obtained from a proper diet. Fish contains good fats and amino acids and safe for a dog to eat. It keeps the immune system strong. Apart from this, fish like salmon and tuna are one of the major sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which is beneficial for a dog’s skin and coat. However, before you feed fish to your dog, make sure it is cooked well.
Final words
While these are the food items that you can give to your dog, there are many more, such as peanut butter, popcorn, pork, blueberries, bananas, watermelon, etc. However, you should generally feed human food item in moderate quantity to your dog. Otherwise, you will dog end up while having some serious health issues. Since some human foods that can kill your dog, it is always recommended to consult a vet before giving human food to a dog, especially if he/she is suffering from health issues like diabetes, weight issues, liver or kidney disease, food allergies, etc.
We hope that this article has helped you to know about everything you can feed to your dog. If you have any queries, feel free to ask; we are always here to help you. Do share your comments and thoughts with us.
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