Heartworms are parasitic worm-like creatures that can invade your dog’s body very easily. Once infected, the larvae travel around the host’s internal system and finally end up in their heart and major blood vessels. It causes a lot of health problems- from a reduced blood supply to the accumulation of clots in the heart.
This disease is also referred to as dirofilariasis. Heartworm in dogs can be a serious and fatal disease. Dogs contract heartworms from either being bitten by a mosquito—or by drinking something that carries the larvae (such as pond water).

Heartworm Disease In Dogs – A Brief Introduction
Heartworm in dogs is transmitted by the parasite ‘Dirofilaria immitis’ which goes through several stages. In its immature stage, it is called microfilariae which are ingested by mosquitoes when they feed on an infected animal.
The microfilariae mature for 10 to 30 days in a mosquito’s stomach and then enter into parts of the mosquito’s mouth. The next step is migration in the bloodstream where they attach themselves to heart valves and other tissues as they grow into adults that produce male and female heartworms.
With that being said, heartworms are very aggressive parasites. If an infected mosquito bites your dog, it will inject the larvae into his/her body – this is where the journey begins.
Over the next 6 months, these larvae build up strength and infect several key organs of a dog including their heart and arteries. It leaves toxins in the pet’s bloodstream before turning into full-blown adults.
These heartworms then reproduce microfilariae after around 1 month. From that point onward, it stays in the form of larvae in the dog’s blood until they either die or grow very rapidly.
However, the risk of death from heartworm infection is lower now than it was in the past. Thanks to new over-the-counter research and preventative medicines. One such highly recommended prevention solution is heartworm dog medication.
But remember; if left untreated, these heartworms will begin to cause severe effects on your dog’s health. It catalyzes strain on their heart and reduces the blood circulation throughout.
Symptoms: The Four Levels
The symptoms of heartworm in dogs can be divided into four stages. Here’s a quick glimpse of all of them –
In dogs, the first stage of heartworm disease usually depicts no symptoms at all. But during this stage, heartworms already start circulating in their bloodstream. Now since there are no signs yet, a vet cannot diagnose them on a physical exam alone.
Stage two of heartworms in dogs is accompanied by systemic and consistent symptoms. It ranges from no symptoms to moderate symptoms. Aside from intolerance for exercising and a more lingering cough, the antibody and microfilariae production starts taking place. During this phase of the disease, heartworms can be detected by conclusive blood tests
In stage three, dog parents can easily notice symptoms of heartworm disease in their pets. They generally become tired after exercising and may not want to exercise anymore. They may cough a lot and even experience breathing problems.
Dogs suffering from heartworm disease in stage four should not be avoided at all. Unfortunately, dogs who get to this stage suffer from a high risk of debilitation and even death.
The risk of death is significantly moderate these days. However, one should not underestimate how serious heartworms can be. You shouldn’t even assume that it’ll resolve automatically because it requires proper medication to kill the larvae present in a dog’s bloodstream.
Heartworm Prevention: The Early Solution
Heartworm prevention is like buying fire insurance for your home. It’s easy to do and it’ll help protect you against one of the biggest risks in this area. You can either pay a small amount to keep yourself protected every year, or you can choose to buy a product that lasts multiple years. Either way, prevention is easier than treatment.
With that being said, the prevention solutions come in the form of a monthly chewable or a long-acting injection. These provide your pet protection against this dangerous disease.
Heartworm dog medication is like most other medications – they come with both inconveniences as well as benefits that one might not be aware of. While chewable medicines can sometimes be thought of as treats, their ability to protect your dog against heartworms is far greater than any other prevention technique.
Lastly, the chewable medicines must be given on the same day of every month. Missing an administering could result in illness for your beloved pet.
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