Ear infections among dogs are quite common. Since they’re always outdoors and love playing around, they could get easily infected. It can happen while they dip their bodies in the pool or spend the entire day in a park. Therefore, it’s important to look for the signs of ear infection.
Some of them are simple issues that might go away soon. Others are more severe and could damage the dog’s central nervous system. These are the signs of an ear infection that require immediate action.

Redness and inflammation. Check if there’s a sudden difference in the ear colour of your dog. If there’s redness or inflammation, it’s a sign of an infection. It might be somewhat challenging for hairy dogs, though. Therefore, you always need to check the ears to see if there’s inflammation.
A sweet or pungent smell. You usually groom your dogs to prevent them from smelling bad. If you still smell a foul odour while playing with your dog, it could be due to an ear infection. It’s a natural reaction to the problem.
Ear canal discharge. Ear infections may also manifest through a discharge. It’s often waxy and rust-like in colour. It helps to observe these changes more often.
Difficulty in chewing. Your dog shouldn’t have a problem chewing foods, especially if they’re soft enough. If you notice that there are issues when chewing, it could be due to an ear infection. If the bowl is no longer empty after eating, and it happens regularly, you have to take action.
Constant rubbing of the head. It’s natural for dogs to keep scratching their heads. It’s their way of removing an irritant. However, if it happens constantly, there could be something wrong. It’s even worse when you see your dog scratching its head on furniture and other rough surfaces. It means that the ear infection is getting worse.
Do something before it’s too late
Dogs with ear infections might manifest more terrible symptoms in the future. They might have difficulty walking due to the loss of balance. They might also find it difficult to eat their food, and it leads to drastic weight loss. The point is that you have to do something before it’s too late. When the ear infection already starts to affect the central nervous system, death might be inevitable.
The problem is that you might not have a local veterinarian to run to. The good thing is that there are home remedies that you can apply to stop the infection. Green tea and oregano are among the natural options to solve an ear infection. Apply them to the affected area until the problem is over. You can also check out https://careyourdog.com/best-home-remedy-for-dog-ear-infection for more information about treating ear infections. If the problem persists, it might be time to look for a veterinarian.
You can’t ignore this problem even if you think it’s natural. Try to be more observant with the changes in your dog. Find a way to deal with it before it’s too late.
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