We all want to protect our four-legged friends from the threat of fleas and ticks and it’s not always easy to know the best way to do this with the myriad of products available. From shampoos to spot-ons to collars to tablets; the options seem endless. Here we will look at the benefits of a vet recommended collar, trusted by experts, which is now available without the need for a prescription – Seresto Flea and Tick Control collar.

Fleas and ticks – more than just a bite
Fleas and ticks are both blood feeding parasites that will happily use your pet (and even you!) for a free meal. However, the impact of fleas and ticks on your dog can be greater than ‘just a bite’…
Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) – this condition is an allergic reaction to flea saliva that irritates the skin and can cause intense itching for your dog.
Tapeworm – if your dog ingests an infected flea they can become infected with tapeworm.
Diseases – infected fleas can pass on diseases to dogs when they bite. One study found that half of fleas carried at least one bacterial disease
Anaemia – multiple flea bites can lead to loss of blood, resulting in anaemia, which is particularly dangerous for flea-infested puppies, small breeds, elderly dogs and pregnant bitches, who may also be more vulnerable to heavy infestation.
Fleas are also prolific breeders, with females laying up to 2,000 eggs in their lifetime. The majority of the flea life cycle doesn’t actually occur on your furry friend – the eggs drop off around your home, developing into larvae, pupae and then juvenile fleas. In fact, only 5% of the flea population is found on your pet in an infestation, the other 95% is in the environment – lurking in carpets and soft furnishings! This can make treating a flea infestation tricky, as you not only need to think about treating your pets, but also your home. Ensuring your dog is protected from fleas can help to protect you and your home from an infestation.
Ticks can carry a range of diseases, which can be transmitted to your dog when they bite and feed. These include Lyme disease and canine babesiosis, both of which are serious conditions and require veterinary treatment. Using a product on your dog that repels and kills ticks before they get a chance to bite helps to prevent them passing on any nasty diseases.
Prevention is better than treatment:
Seresto Flea and Tick Control collar kills fleas and repels & kills ticks without the need for them to bite your pet * The collar’s slow-release dosing allows the active ingredients to spread across your pet’s skin and coat at a controlled and steady rate, for all-over protection. It lasts for up to eight months in a single application – the longest lasting flea and tick protection available.
The vet-recommended collar is easy to use – just pop it on your dog for up to eight months of protection and up to #8months of love. No mess, no grease, no smell – and no need to remember monthly flea and tick applications. For the adventurers out there, the collar is water-resistant, † and the ratchet-release system allows it to loosen if your pet gets snagged on their travels!
Fleas and ticks are a year-round problem so it is important to use preventatives throughout the year to keep your pet protected. Seresto Flea and Tick Control collar is now available without a prescription from your vet, online and at pet stores, making it easier than ever to keep your pet protected year-round.
For more information about Seresto Flea and Tick Control collar visit: http://bit.ly/2VuJYjr
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