Common Diseases Found in Pets

Pets rely heavily on their owners to keep them healthy. Animal diseases can become a problem even when the animal is attended to daily, but there are very common animal diseases that can spread or worsen within a short period of time. Upon recognizing the signs that something is wrong, a quick visit to the veterinarian can help prevent the disease from getting worse. Here are the top 10 most common animal diseases to be aware of.

Gum Disease
Gingivitis is probably the most common disease found in pets. Signs to look for are bad breath, lack of appetite, weight loss, and rotting teeth. It can be prevented with annual check ups and periodical teeth cleaning. There are tartar removal treats for pets, but it will not prevent gingivitis. Neglect will cause further issues leading to periodartitis which causes inflammation, bleeding, and recessed gums and loose teeth.

Lymphocytic Plasmacytic Stomatitis
LPS is a cardiovascular disease that’s an autoimmune deficiency. It’s typically a secondary symptom from something greater effecting the animal such as a viral infection that includes Leukemia or Herpes. These diseases can be prevented with annual check ups. Lack of activity and appetite are signs. It can be triggered by an allergy to tartar on the teeth. Antibiotics can help treat this disease.

Heartworms are commonly found in hunting dogs. Some symptoms are vomiting, coughing, heavy breathing, lack of energy, sudden weight loss, and an extreme change in appetite. Regular check ups with the veterinarian and monthly medication helps prevent heartworms. Cats have a very strong immune response to heartworms and it’s a rare case. Sometimes heartworms can be mistaken for asthma, but if left untreated they’ll die.

These parasites live in the intestines of the host, robbing the animal of nutrients. Caused by swallowing a flea typically while grooming, these worms can be seen in feces and in bedding. A severe infestation will increase appetite and decrease weight. With dewormer and monthly flea treatment, tapeworms will die off.
Skin Infections
Loss of hair is the most common sign of a skin infection. Itchy dry skin leads to hot spots and the pet will continue to lick the area. Ointment can help treat this along with recommended allergy shots provided by the doctor. Allergies and parasites can cause skin infections to occur.

When the pancreas isn’t producing enough insulin, it becomes inflamed and diabetes can occur. This is most common in overweight pets. Sometimes a drug taken can cause diabetes as it interferes with the insulin process. Take notice to large amount of urine and excessive drinking.

This is a bladder infection caused by bacteria. Signs to look for include painful urination, pet urinating in odd areas and blood in urine. Treatment can be done by the veterinarian.

Kidney Failure
This is a breakdown of the kidneys which regulates blood and water levels in the body. This could lead to death if not caught immediately. It can be caused by an ingestion of antifreeze or a severe illness. Signs to look for is lack of coordination, vomiting, not eating, and seizures.

One of the most contagious viruses, Parvo is among the top 10 most common animal diseases among dogs. Signs to look for are lethargy, vomiting, decreased appetite, and diarrhea leading to life-threatening dehydration. Prevent Parvo with vaccinations.

As one of the top 10 most common animal diseases, Rabies is probably the least common. It’s a virus that’s easily transmitted from one infected animal to another by a simple bite. With proper vaccinations Rabies can be prevented. Signs are aggression, restlessness, irritability, and eventually paralysis, disorientation, and foaming at the mouth.

As these top 10 most common animal diseases tend to be a pet owner’s worst nightmare, most can be treated. Vet Lab Supplies provides veterinary hospitals with proper equipment that allows the doctor to make a correct diagnosis and treat the conditions.
