In support of Bayer’s ‘No Bite Is Right’ campaign ‘Tick-Nics’ have been held around the country where celebs such as TOWIE’s Lydia Bright and Brendan Lynch former finalist on the Great British Bake Off have mixed with dog owners for plenty of advice on keeping their pets free from pests this summer
This month is Lyme Disease Awareness month, with the disease commonly spread by ticks. It can affect both animals and humans and in the latter symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue and a pink or red circular rash. If left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the heart and the nervous system
TV Vet David Grant has been giving advice to pet owners around the country on the risks of ticks to both pets and their owners, where ticks are commonly found, how to remove them and how to prevent them.
Watch our video where dog loving celebrities Lydia Bright from TOWIE and Brendan Lynch former finalist on the Great British Bake Off, mix with dog owners for plenty of advice from David and other vets on how to keep the creepy-crawlies off their furry friends this summer.