5 Sign Your Dog Needs to See a Vet

Just like humans, it’s important for your dog to undergo regular check-ups. These sessions will include testing and examinations, which will help you detect diseases in your dog right from the onset. These signs could include vomiting, a change in appetite, or sudden lethargy. Other symptoms can develop over time, but these less significant symptoms might still be indicators of serious underlying conditions.

It is normally difficult to detect abnormalities in animals because for one, they can’t talk or communicate with you about how they’re feeling. There are obvious signs to take your dog to the vet, like when they get knocked down on the street or starts shading excessive fur. However, signs of ailment or abnormality aren’t always obvious. 

The duty to be observant lies on you as the caretaker. As much as possible, try to visit a vet from time to time, and administer prescribed medication with the appropriately prescribed regimen. Avoid playing doctor or adopting the wait-and-see attitude. 

To help you become more cautious about your dog’s health, today, we would discuss five warning signs your dog might need a trip to the vet ASAP. 

Distress or Agitation
Dogs are known for being friendly animals. However, if your dog suddenly changes behaviour, you should be concerned. Acting up and being excessively fussy is a sign that your dog is in distress. The dog at this particular time requires urgent medical attention.

Sometimes, the need for medical attention isn’t clear and you might consider the symptoms as mild. One general indicator of unhealthiness is general fatigue and inactivity. 

Even if you’re a first-time dog parent and you don’t have a clue when you should take your dog to the vet, pet lethargy is pretty easy to spot and it’s usually the first sign that your dog is not feeling well.

Change In Eating Pattern 
Dogs may eat small portions of food throughout the day. Depending on their eating habits, it can be irregular. However, the same can not be said for all breeds of dogs. If you notice a change in the appetite of your dog, which could mean he’s eating more or less than what you’re used to, you should definitely be concerned. 

According to pet website Petsolino, there are a vast array of reasons a dog can stop eating, some of which include kidney failure, a dental problem,  infections, and even cancer. Another reason your dog might be exhibiting signs of appetite loss is vaccination. Adverse effects of vaccinations in dogs might include a disinterest in feeding. Remember, don’t make complete assumptions by medical information on the internet. You need to take your dog to the vet for a proper diagnosis. 

Coughing Or Changes in Breathing
Coughing or sounds can be a sign of something wrong. However, other changes like shallow breathing or rapid breathing is another sign you should not ignore. Respiratory issues in dogs depict a dangerous sign of tumors, respiratory disease, parasites, or exposure to foreign substances into the body.

Dogs can get colds occasionally but a runny nose, discharges, and changes in breathing pattern can be an indication of an underlying ailment that needs to be checked. 

Make sure you consider routine immunizations of your dog to help prevent feline viruses. However,  the vaccination does not make your dog totally immune. 

Vomiting or Gagging Regularly
Symptoms of an unhealthy dog are not just behavioural, they can also be physical.

Throwing up regularly is a signal the dog might be suffering from parasites (including heartworms) or even organ failure. In addition, dietary allergies, or intestinal obstruction can make your dog throw up. In cases like this, you need a vet ASAP. 

Smelly Breath
Bacteria that produce bad odour are mostly the reason your dog’s breath smells like dead fish. Bad breath in dogs can mean he needs a dental checkup. Perhaps a cleaning or teeth extraction may be necessary to alleviate dental problems. Sweet-smelling breaths can be an indication of diabetes. Bad breath can also be a sign of kidney disease, so make sure to get that tested, too.

Bacteria from plaque can turn to tartar if not attended to. Dental hygiene is as important for a dog as it is for humans. Be mindful of what you feed your dog, not just the brand of food but also the quantity. 

Purchase cleaning devices and give your dog a good brush when necessary. There are also natural ways to get rid of your dog’s stinky breath, like the use of natural products, chewy toys, gels, and additives.

General Care Tips 
Simple hygiene procedures like using a warm, damp cloth to remove mucus from her eyes or nose can go a long way to protect your dog from sickness. The symptoms shouldn’t last more than 10 days. And if it’s up to 7 days running, you should already be on your way to the vet. New symptoms might also begin to appear, make sure to mention all this at the clinic. 

Going through all the points highlighted above, the bottom line is that you need to be mindful and observant when it comes to your pet. It’s important to be sensitive to smaller changes. If your dog has changed in its everyday demeanour, behaviour, or body language, contact a vet today for advice and to set up an appointment.

More importantly, understanding your dog’s normal behaviour is key to knowing when there’s a change in the first place. Get proper vaccination, check for expired food, practice proper grooming and be mindful of what your dog eats when it wanders in the backyard.

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