Having a dog around gives you one of the best feelings in the world. Their joyful and playful nature fills the house with positive vibes. However just like humans, dogs also sometimes get under the weather. Here we are not talking about some major illness, but a very common yet quite irritating and annoying condition – dry skin!
The constant itching, irritation, scratching and licking caused by dry-skin can drive your four-legged amigo half crazy! Taking your dogs to the veterinarian should be your first course of action, but there are few other things that you can do to treat your dog with dry skin. Let’s take a look at these natural and home remedies that are effective for dry skin treatment.
Use Olive Oil or Coconut Oil:
We already know the miraculous properties of olive oil and coconut oil for our skin. Just like these oils are effective and remedial for our skins – they work wonders for the dog with dry skin treatment. Even veterinarians also recommend giving your dog oil massage often – with or without the dry skin. Simply just message the infected area with chilled-solid coconut oil. It will remedial for other allergies, eczema, insect bites & sting and yeast infections. Alternatively, you can massage your dog’s paws with some olive oil.
Give Your Dog Vitamin E:
Vitamin E is another remedial cure for dry skin in dogs. Your dog doesn’t need to take it internally. You can simply massage your dog with vitamin-E oil or add it in the bathwater. If you want to give Vitamin-E internally to your dog, then first consult with the vet – as some species of dogs require Vitamin A rather than vitamin E.
Give Oatmeal Bath and Paste:
Another effective cure for dry skin is ‘Oatmeal.’ All you need is grounded oatmeal. You can either make a paste and apply it over the infected area – or you can simply sprinkle the oatmeal powder in warm water and give a bath from it.
Chamomile and Herbal Tea Soaks:
Your chamomile and herbal tea bags are not just effective to burn the calories, but you can also use these teas to cure your dog with dry skin. Before the bath, soak 4-5 tea bags into tub or sink and soak your dog’s skin for at least 5 minutes in the water. Alternatively, you can make herbal/chamomile tea and pour cool tea on the infected area.
Feed Plain, Sugar-Free Yogurt:
Do you know that plain, sugar-free yoghurt is remedial for treating dry skin in dogs? Whether its the dry skin, or any other allergies, yoghurt is great for your dog. Feed a teaspoon to small dogs and 2 teaspoons to big dogs once a week.
50% Apple Cider and Water Spray:
The last but not least cure is the solution of Apple cider vinegar and water. Mix 50% cider and water and spray on the infected area.
Want to know more about dry-skin solutions? Then check out the evolutionpets site – where you can find remedial solutions for all the skin allergies and how to cure them!
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