Recognise And Help Relieve The Pain Of Your Dog’s Arthritis

As we approach World Arthritis Day on October 12, solutions-led pet product manufacturer, Peak Pet Products, is reminding pet owners that arthritis is not just suffered by humans and that their dog could also be suffering from the pain this disease brings.

A recent study by pet insurer, Animal Friends, has shown that the number of dogs suffering from arthritis has more than trebled since 2015. Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Greyhounds, Boxers and Rottweilers are breeds with the highest likelihood of developing the disease.

The new research, based on a study of 20,000 pet health records, predicts the number of dogs suffering arthritis is only set to rise.  It has also drawn a link between obesity levels in dogs and the onset of arthritis.

Luckily, there are pet products that can assist by delivering enhanced pet care for pets suffering from the disease, including a revolutionary new dog bowl – PetWeighter™.

PetWeighter™ is a two-part product comprising feeding bowl plus weighted base.  Thanks to its design, the bowl is elevated to a handy height of 21cm that prevents dogs having to stoop – something of great help to dogs suffering from arthritis, as it reduces strain on their joints and alleviates discomfort in the neck, chest and elbows.

Although it is a brand new product, PetWeighter™ has already attracted praise from dog behaviour specialists and high profile vets.

Inspired by product developer Charlie the Schnauzer, who needed constant access to drinking water, the high-strength plastic product features a removable bowl on top of a base that can be filled with sand, water, a combination of both or ice, to make it a bowl that cannot move, no matter how hard a dog tries.  Whilst the base stays put, the bowl is detached from the base at feed time and when it needs cleaning.

The elevated height of the bowl also helps to ensure that pups are unable to soil mum’s food or tip the bowl over.

PetWeighter™, from Peak Pet Products, comes in three colours – red, pink and turquoise blue – each with a dark grey base. The bowl is suitable for cats as well as dogs and is designed to last for years.

With a design focused on hygiene, the bowl is simple to clean and has no dirt-attracting cracks or crevices.  It costs £24.99 and can be bought from good pet shops and online from  More information about the product can be found at

1Tell-tale signs that a dog may be suffering from arthritis are an obvious stiffness in the joints, which prevents exercise that the dog was previously capable of enjoying, and difficulties in activities such as walking up stairs or jumping.  Sometimes, a dog may also continuously lick at a painful joint.

A PetWeighter spokesperson says; “Arthritis in humans is a common and well-known problem, but there is less awareness of the issue in pets. World Arthritis Day, on October 12, provides the perfect opportunity to learn more about the disease in both humans and pets alike.”

Osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis seen in dogs and is a very common cause of chronic pain, particularly in older dogs.  OA is a slowly progressing disease, where the cartilage in the dog’s joints breaks down and causes friction between the bones.  This results in the formation of outgrowths of new bone, known as osteophytes.  The cost of veterinary treatment for arthritis can run to thousands of pounds.


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