There’s nothing in this world that can prepare you for your beloved four-legged friend crossing the Rainbow Bridge. Whether it’s sudden or you’ve known about it for a while, you’ll still lose a dear friend and a family member.
Sadly, there’s nothing we can do once this dark moment happens. But you can find ways to honour and celebrate the time you spent together. This way, you make sure the pleasant memories remain fresh, regardless of how much time passes by.
Below we listed several ways you can keep your dog’s memory alive in a meaningful and respectful way.
Create a Nose Print or a Footprint
A dog’s nose is incredibly sensitive (which is why they spend most of their time sniffing on things), but it’s also the way your furry friend communicates with you. They’ll boop you when they want something, try to caress you when you’re sad, and wake you up in the morning by snuggling their cold nose against your cheek.
Moreover, dog noses have unique prints (just like our fingers) and can even be used to track your furry friend in case he or she gets lost.
But, more commonly, getting your dog’s noseprint is a fun art project (especially if you get one at every stage of their life) that can become a precious memory later on.
However, if you feel like a nose print will be too stressful for your pooch, you can get a paw print – this one is a lot easier and can be done on all kinds of surfaces.
Create a Calendar With All Your Favorite Photos
Creating a calendar dedicated to their memory is a beautiful way to honour your life together and make sure precious moments remain close to your heart. Plus, you probably have several Gigabytes of photos from the moment you got together to the moment you had to part ways.
So why not put them to good use?
You could create a cute collage that takes viewers through your pooch’s different life stages and adventures. Or you could put together a beautiful selection of photos with just the two of you. The sky’s the limit with this one.
Customized Jewelry
One way to carry your dog’s memory with you at all times is to turn their nose print or paw print into a cute jewellery piece (earrings, bracelets, medallions, and so on). You can do this by having the image of the print placed on a piece of jewellery or by creating a tiny mold of the print, which can be turned into a cute medallion or brooch.
Get a Tattoo
A well-designed tattoo can be a great way to make sure your friend will be forever by your side. It can be a picture of your dog, a creative drawing, their name, or their paw print.
Also, if you like tattoos, you don’t have to wait until your pooch’s passing to immortalize them on your skin. You can start early, ever since they’re a pup, and find creative ways to include them in your sketches.
Give to an Animal Shelter
It may take a while before you can welcome a new pooch into your life (or it may never happen), but there are other ways to help dogs in need. You can volunteer your time at an animal shelter or donate to a foundation you know and trust.
Wrap Up
Losing your best friend is a difficult challenge, but they wouldn’t want you to stay sad for too long. So, mourn your loss, but also find ways to remember the good times and how much they helped improve your life.
The ideas mentioned in this article are a great start, but you can easily find others that are maybe closer to your heart.
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