Dovart Pet Supplies & Boarding Kennels - Pet Shop in Ampthill, Bedfordshire

Dovart Pet Supplies & Boarding Kennels

Ossory Farm
Woburn Road
MK45 2HY
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  • Please mention you found
    us on The Good Dog Guide

  • Pet supplies in Ampthill, Bedfordshire
  • Stock a huge range of major food brands
  • Everyday low prices
  • Open Monday - Saturday (9.00 - 5.30)
  • Friendly, nutritionally qualified staff
  • Also offer luxurious boarding kennels

Dovart Pet Supplies & Boarding Kennels

Dovart Pet Supplies & Boarding Kennels - Pet Shop in Ampthill, Bedfordshire

Here at Dovart Pet Supplies, we cater for most animals, stocking a huge range of major food brands including raw/BARF diets and accessories.

Due to our extensive list of suppliers we are able to provide an efficient ordering service, being able to source most items quickly (if not already in stock!) This way you will always have the best possible choice.

We pride ourselves on our service and friendly, nutritionally qualified staff. As we are a small business we put the customer first offering fantastic prices and helpful advice.

Dovart Pet Supplies & Boarding KennelsDovart Pet Supplies & Boarding KennelsDovart Pet Supplies & Boarding KennelsDovart Pet Supplies & Boarding KennelsDovart Pet Supplies & Boarding KennelsDovart Pet Supplies & Boarding KennelsDovart Pet Supplies & Boarding KennelsDovart Pet Supplies & Boarding KennelsDovart Pet Supplies & Boarding KennelsDovart Pet Supplies & Boarding Kennels

We would love to see you so feel free to pop in to take a look around, you will be pleasantly surprised in our “Aladdin’s Cave”.

Established in 1986 we are a friendly, family run business that pride ourselves on our service. We have friendly qualified staff who can offer nutritional and health advice for all of your pets.

Shop Opening Times: Monday - Saturday   9:00 - 5:30

Sunday and Bank Holidays Closed

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