Dovart Pet Supplies & Boarding Kennels - Dog Kennelling in Ampthill, Bedfordshire

Dovart Pet Supplies & Boarding Kennels

Ossory Farm
Woburn Road
MK45 2HY
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  • Please mention you found
    us on The Good Dog Guide

  • Boarding kennels in Ampthill
  • Offering comfort & care for your dogs
  • Lots of individual attention
  • Mon - Sat 9.00-1.00 & 2.00 - 3.00
  • Prices include food, insurance & cuddles
  • Also have a pet supplies shop

Dovart Pet Supplies & Boarding Kennels

Dovart Pet Supplies & Boarding Kennels - Boarding Kennels in Ampthill, Bedfordshire

Established in 1986 we are a friendly, family run business that pride ourselves on our service. We have friendly qualified staff who can offer nutritional and health advice for all of your pets.

Dovart Pet Supplies & Boarding kennelsDovart Pet Supplies & Boarding KennelsDovart Pet Supplies & Boarding Kennels

Having bred Warrenways German Shepherds for over 30 years we can help you with many aspects of day to day animal husbandry and with a wide range of pet foods and accessories available you will be pleasantly surprised that we can offer something for all pets.

If you need to board your dog then Dovart boarding kennels offers the perfect getaway, you will be able to relax in the knowledge that your dog has been left in licensed secure kennels under the care of a member of our qualified experienced team.

Here at Dovart Boarding kennels we pride ourselves on the care that we provide for our furry guests. Every dog that stays with us receives lots of individual attention so that you can rest happy while you are away.

Dovart Pet Supplies & Boarding KennelsDovart Pet Supplies & Boarding KennelsDovart Pet Supplies & Boarding Kennels
